Season 1, Episode 8

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At Witney and Jenna's apartment....
Witney woke up feeling that someone was next to her, then she remembered what happened last night between Mark and herself. She looked at the clock and it read 6:45. She knew Jenna would be back around 8 because she had classes in the morning so she shook Mark awake, "Wake up, dude you have to wake up before anyone gets here. Especially Jenna."
Mark yawns, "I'm awake, calm down."
Witney had to admit she found his morning voice pretty sexy. She'd be lying if she said she didn't want to repeat the events of last night.
"Well then get dres-" Witney gets interrupted by Mark kissing her.
"Shut up, Wit."
Witney found herself completely agreeing with what Mark had said and was ready to repeat the events of last night as Mark began to bite her neck. She was sure he had left a mark.
Let's just say history tends to repeat itself over and over again 😏.
At Central Perk @ noon.
"So I heard from a little birdy that you took my sister's virginity, and on your brothers bed nonetheless." Mark says to Val.
"Well I heard from a little birdy that I'm going to knock your teeth out of your mouth if you keep talking like that." Val responds.
"Well I heard from a little birdy that I am so going to have a talk with Witney because she totally had sex last night. And I'm going to kick her ass for telling you that." Jenna says.
"Woah, how many talking birds do you guys know?" Derek asked astonished.
Mark asked his sister, "What makes you think she had sex last night?"
"Well did you see the way she was walking someone put it down on her last night, she's glowing, she has like a huge hickey on her neck and her hip, there was moaning in her room this morning and besides Artem is back in town. Ooo.... He must of put it down. He looks like he could. I mean it must be a Russian quality. I would know." Jenna answers.
Val smirks to himself before looking at Mark's neck and asks him, "What the hell is on your neck, looks like Mark got laid too."
"No I hit my neck, on the cabinet in my kitchen and look at the time I have my class on the history of guitars."
With that Mark ran out.
"Well that was weird, now back to the talking birds. Where can I find one?" Derek asks Jenna and Val.
They both rolled their eyes at Derek.
At Witney and Jenna's apartment....
Witney was sitting on her couch watching 'The Notebook', she then heard the door knock.
"WHO IS IT?!" Witney yells/asks.
"It's Mark."
She sighed and then she got up to answer the door.
When she opened the door she saw Mark looked panicked.
"Well come in." While Witney was walking back to the couch he realized what Jenna was talking about she was walking funny. He made a mental note to pat himself on the back.
"We are in trouble." Mark says panicked.
"What do you mean? Explain to me what you mean."
"Jenna knows you had sex last night, she says you're walking funny and glowing and Artem is back in town and how someone put it down on you and you have a hickey on your hip and your neck. Oh and might I add she heard your loud ass this morning!"
"Yeah I have been feeling a bit sore, and you should be proud of yourself, I mean you did amazing. As for Artem when did he get back in town?" Witney says then asks.
"I don't know I repeated what I heard from Jenna. Back to the fact that I did well so you would in fact say that I 'Put it down on you'?" Mark questions.
"Yes you did. Like so good. I had fun." Witney says laughing at Mark.
"Yeah I have been told how talented I am." Mark says, Witney then busts out laughing.
"Why are you here, Mark?" Witney asks through laughter.
"I came to tell you to keep Jenna off of our trail she can't know we hooked up."
"You two hooked up, what the hell?!" They turned around to see Derek and Val.
"Whaaaatttttt?" Witney asks, then says "That's not what Mark said."
Val smirks, "He said he can't have Jenna knowing that you two hooked up, so Mark you're the one who put it down on our lovely Witney."
"Yeah as the little birdy told Jenna, but guys seriously where do you find these talking birds?"
Mark rolls his eyes and states, "No one else can find out!"
"Find out what?" Lindsay asks.
"Gahhhh." Mark says frustrated.
"That Mark put it down on Witney so hard that it hurts when she walks and he doesn't want us to tell Jenna." Val states.
"Shut up." Mark says glaring at Val.
"Well he's right Jenna heard it from the little birdy." Derek says.
"Oh Jenn told me, that's why I came up here to get all the juicy deets. I mean she said you could barely walk this morning." Lindsay says looking at Mark.
"Whatever I'll tell you anything you want to know, but don't tell Jenna." Witney tells Lindsay.
"Don't tell Jenna what?" Jenna asks as she walks in the apartment.
"That.... Val wants to give you a promise ring." Mark says.
Val furrows his eyebrows and looks at Mark.
"Well now you've ruined the surprise and it's not going to be fair anymore, look at the time Derek and I have to go clean the apartment." Val says pulling Derek out of his girlfriends apartment.
"Yeah and Sam and I have a study date." Lindsay says leaving quickly too.
"Yeah and I have class." Mark says exiting.
"Wow that was weird, what's going on?" Jenna asks her best friend.
"Umm nothing. I mean other than the fact that.... I am getting my hair dyed blonde."
Jenna raises her eyebrows, "You're already a blonde."
"Yeah, but not Kim Kardashian shade of blonde."
"Oh... That's a great shade of blonde." Jenna says shaking her head.
"Yeah I know I love it on her." Witney says.
"So what were you guys talking about?" Jenna asks Witney again.
"Val and the fact that he is seriously devoted to making you happy. He loves you Jenna."
"Well I know that I mean come on...." Jenna motions herself.
"Yeah. Look at you." Witney comments.
"You are keeping a secret from me aren't you?" Jenna questions Witney.
"Whhhhaaaaaaaattttttttttt?" Witney asks in 'shock'.
"Yeah you're acting like a weirdo." Jenna states.
"Who me?" Witney asks.
"Yes you, you're acting like a freaking spaz." Jenna tells her.
Witney looked offended.
"Okay so I have a question for you." Jenna tells Witney.
"Shoot." Witney says, hoping it isn't related to the hook up.
"So who was it, was it Artem? I mean I've seen you walk after.... And it's similar. It's probably a Russian thing. I mean I can certainly attest to that." Jenna asks and then informs.
"No it wasn't Artem and I thought Artem was in L.A. That's why we broke up, remember?"
"Oh come on who was it....... I want to know tell me. I have to know. I must know. So tell me."
"It was a one time thing, so you'll never have to worry about it. So how was your night?"
"Oh it was great you know we do the same thing.... Don't try to change the subject." Jenna says.
"I have class." Witney says.
"No you can't use that trick on me...... Witney Capri Carson." Jenna says as Witney walks out.
Central Perk @ 4:30 with just Val and Jenna.
"Oh come on babe..... Tell me. I have to know." Jenna says running her fingers through Val's hair.
"Oh come on Jenna I've been sworn to secrecy." Val says groaning.
"Okay so I am going to give you one more chance or you can't ever....." She whispers the next part in his ear.
Val whimpers and then says, "Uhh.... Witney and Mark had sex last night."
Jenna looks horrified, "Ewww.... He was the one who put it down on Witney."
"Yeah, he was the one who 'Put it down hard on Witney.'"
"Oh god..... So it wasn't Artem?"
"Unless Mark changed his name to Artem."
Jenna looked at Val and asked him, "Why'd you tell me that? Oh god you just ruined my day. I heard my brother having sex with my best friend this morning."
"What?! You threatened to never let me have fun in that way again." Val says.
"Well.... You knew that wasn't true. It's as much fun for me as it is for you. God man you're weak."
"How about we go into the bathroom and I'll refute that statement." Val says biting Jenna's neck.
She giggled and then pulled him up while saying seductively , "How about we go talk to Mark and Witney about the fact that they hooked up."
Val agreed blindly, "Uh huh, let's go."
She pulled him up out of the coffee shop.
Derek and Val's apartment @ 5:00
"I mean she was questioning me and I didn't know what to say." Witney tells Mark, Lindsay, and Derek.
"Well I mean you should've told her you did sleep with Artem." Lindsay tells her.
"And what will that do?" Derek asks.
"It'll throw her off the trail for a little while long enough for her to forget about it." Lindsay says.
They were interrupted by Jenna and Val.
"You slept with my best friend!" Jenna says pointing at her best friend and brother.
Mark and Witney look at Val, who shrugs his shoulders and says, "She bribed me, with something that I would miss way to much if it was gone."
"So what I slept with Witney, you've been sleeping with my best friend for like 6 months."
"Yeah, but what happened to the fact that 'You two will be best friends and nothing more.' Huh?" Jenna asks.
"We are still just friends we just had about 15 moments of weakness last night and about 5 this morning." Mark says shrugging.
"I had 21, all together." Witney says looking at Mark.
"Okay, before Jenna can say it I'll say it..... Gross." Lindsay says looking at Mark and Witney disgusted.
Jenna breathes inwardly and outwardly before looking at both her best friend and brother, "Where does this leave you two?"
"The same place we were before.... Friends and nothing more." Mark reassures Jenna.
"Whatever." Jenna says walking out of the apartment.
"I'll talk to her." Mark says walking out of the apartment.
Jenna and Witney's apartment @ 5:15
Jenna was sitting on the couch with her head down.
"Hey Jenna." Mark says opening the door.
"What do you want?" Jenna responds.
Mark took this as an invitation to walk in the apartment and sit on the couch.
"I want to know why you're being so sour."
"Because you're using her." Jenna tells her brother.
"I'm not using Wit..... You know I love her, but I'm not in love with her and she knows it too."
"Mark you had sex with her last night...."
"Jenn I know what happened, now what's up with the attitude?"
"You want to know what's up with the attitude for 10 years I have watched her fall for you and I have watched her heart break every time she hears you talk about another girl. I have held Witney when she cried every time she heard about your sex life, Mark don't you get it.... You're leading her on."
"Jenn, I care about Witney, more than you know and more than anyone else knows."
"Well.... You're not in love with her."
"Well I know that. I'll tell you something , not once during our fun did she say she was glad that I fell in love with her."
"You don't know that, well I have to get to work so you can leave. Or let yourself out." With that Jenna walked out of the apartment.
Witney and Jenna's apartment @ 5:45
Mark had been there for 28 minutes waiting for his sister. He was watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
The door opens and Mark hopes it is Jenna, but it was Witney.
"Oh you're still here." Witney says shocked.
"Oh well if it can't be Jenna, I'm glad it's you." Mark says patting a spot on the couch next to him.
"Okay what's up?" Witney asks.
"Nothing I just need someone to talk to about Jenna. She says that she believes that I'm leading you on."
"How so?"
"Because we had sex last night."
"Okay and....." Witney says shrugging her shoulders and getting up to go to the kitchen.
"That's what I said, but now she thinks that you'll fall back into love with me."
Witney rolls her eyes, "I can have sex and not get emotionally attached."
"I know right, but for the sake of the group I don't think we should hook up again."
"Mark come here." Witney says motioning him toward her. He walks over to Witney, who jumps on the counter.
"Witney where are we going with this?"
"I think you know, what we are going with this." She pulls him in by the collar of his shirt and kisses him.
Mark pulls away, "I don't think that this is such a-" She kisses him again.
"You don't think that this is such a what, Mark?" Witney asks seductively.
"Is such a bad idea." Mark says.
"Take me to my room. Unless you want to do it on the couch." Witney gives Mark the option.
He carries her to the couch and takes her shirt off.
Let's just say they had a good time again😏.
At Derek and Val's apartment @ 6:00.
"Can you believe that they had the nerve to hook up?" Jenna vents to Val.
"Jenna come here." Val says patting his lap, she sits down.
"I'm not in the mood." Jenna says.
"I know, but i don't like to see my Jennachka upset about anything, now what's really bothering you about their hook-up?"
"I can't deal with knowing the man Witney has been in love with with for 10 years has no interest in her and she is still trying to pursue a relationship with him."
"You said it yourself she was glowing."
Jenna waved her hand off at Val, "Yeah, well the last person to bang her before my brother was Carson and I mean come on...."
"Jenna, you have to let Witney find this out on her own, you can't tell her what she can and can't do. No matter how hard you try. Sometimes you have to let her be an adult."
"I know but-"
"No buts the only butt I want o see is yours and I want it in my room now." Jenna smirks at him, "I think that can be arranged my big strong Ukranian man." She then begins to rub at his chest.
Val picks her up and walks into his room. You can hear Jenna squealing and moaning.
@ Witney and Jenna's apartment.
"Wow that was fun." Witney says out of breath.
"Yeah I agree I haven't had this much fun while having sex in a long time." Mark says getting up to get dressed.
"Yeah, I mean I had like a lot of fun, you 'put it down' nicely." Witney tells Mark.
"Tell your friends." Mark says after slipping his shirt on.
"I will." Witney says laughing then tells him, "We can't do this again."
"Why not? We're grown ups."
"I know, but I mean Jenna-"
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, she didn't tell us about Val when it first happens so we don't have to tell her about our sex life."
"Yeah, I agree. Yeah let's do this."
"So none exclusively?" Mark asks after Witney agrees.
"Well you can't have sex with anyone, but me." Witney says.
"Okay I can get with it." Mark says nodding his head.
"Well you should get going before Jenna walks in and tells is about ourselves." Witney tells him.
Mark kisses Witney and says, "See you later babe."
"You too."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S (DWTS) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now