Season 1, Episode 6

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At Central Perk..... All the friends are there except Witney.
"So where is the Taj Mahal exactly, Derek?" Val asks with a smirk.
"Umm in France, duh!" Derek says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"No you dork it's in India." Jenna says with an attitude.
"Okay!" Derek says while putting his hands up in mock-surrender.
"What's crawled up your butt and died?" Mark asks his sister.
"Nothing, except I haven't seen Witney in a week and it's all your fault." Jenna says snarky.
"Babe calm down, didn't she say she'd be back tomorrow." Val says squeezing Jenna's hand.
"Shut up, either your on our side or his side." Jenna says pulling her hand away from Val's.
"Whose side is 'Your side'?" Mark asks.
"The girls and Val." Jenna says with a look of triumph.
Derek looks at Val, "Dude I mean you can't be on the guys side? Traitor!"
"No, I'm smart. You pick and choose your fights with Jenna." Val says with a nod.
"Smart guy, you have him well trained." Lindsay nods approvingly toward Jenna.
"No he's just whipped." Mark states, as he and Derek start laughing.
"I wouldn't be laughing considering the last time you saw Witney she almost knocked your ass out." When Val says that Jenna and Lindsay start laughing.
Mark stops laughing to glare at Val.
Jenna's phone pinged and she squealed, she showed Lindsay and they both started collecting their stuff and heading out the door.
"I guess Witney is back. Can't avoid her now." Val states looking at Mark.
Mark sighs, "I know."
At Witney and Jenna's apartment...
Jenna runs to her apartment with Lindsay in tow. She quickly unlocks the door to see her best friend sitting on the couch.
"Eeeeepppp. You are back, I missed you so much. You are never going anywhere without me again." Jenna says hugging Witney tightly.
"Jenna release, the poor girl can't breathe." Lindsay says prying Jenna off if Witney, before she attacks her on a hug of her own.
"So, how was it going to your dad's house for a little bit?" Jenna asked, after the hugs.
"It was good I cleared my mind, my dad also told me that I was going to have to speak to Mark eventually."
"So when are you going to do that?" Jenna asks hopeful to get the group back together.
"I don't know, but it has to be soon. Right?"
"Right. Well if it makes you feel any better Sam says that Mark was totally in the wrong." Lindsay says smiling.
"Yep. Val agrees as well." Jenna says agreeing with Lindsay.
"Okay Sam I believe can agree without Lindsay coaxing him into it, but how'd you get Val to agree?"
"During sex, it was a once in a lifetime deal." Jenna shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal.
"Dirty girl." Lindsay says pushing Jenna.
"Only to Val." Jenna smirks.
"Oh my gosh, I think we hear enough of your sex life that we don't need to hear about it." Witney says scrunching up her nose.
"You asked." Jenna smirks.
At Derek and Val's apartment....
"I can't believe your on the girl's side, there's nothing wrong with what Mark said." Derek lectures Val for what seemed liked the 100th time.
"I didn't know that, you've only said it 100 times already." Val says agitated.
"I mean what the hell has Jenna done to you, man? I mean you are whipped." Derek says back.
"She does me. She gave me a deal I just couldn't refuse. Between you and I though, I don't believe Mark did anything wrong either. I just want to continue to date his sister."
"Oh... So you're lying?" Derek asks.
"Yeah to not hurt Jenna's feelings."
"Ohhhh..... So you aren't a traitor, you're a player." Derek slaps Val's hand.
Mark walks in their apartment.
"I just got a text from Witney apparently she wants to have a heart to heart conversation about what happened."
"Okay well what are you going to do?" Val asks.
"I'm going to apologize."
"No you are not going to apologize, you did nothing wrong, you stated your feelings and she punched the living hell out of you. From what Jenna told me your head cocked up about 24 degrees." Derek recalls, from what Jenna told him.
"What's the point in you talking like ever?" Val asks Derek.
"No Mark I'm serious you can't apologize you did nothing wrong, you are the victim." Derek says putting his hand on Mark's shoulders.
Jenna walked in and sits in Val's lap.l and begins to kiss his neck.
"Hello... We were talking." Derek says to Jenna.
"Okay, you can continue to talk, but I haven't spent alone time with my man in a long time, so leave."
"Okay, well this is my apartment. You can leave, and have your freak fest at your apartment." Derek says pointing at the door.
"Ummm.... How about you leave and I will let you guys continue to talk?" Jenna asks.
"Babe.... You know I love you and the things you do to me, but we were talking."
"Okay so you want the guys, and not me?"
"No that's not what I'm saying at all. We just need to have some guy time."
"Okay so sex with Jenna or time with the guys and you choose time with the guys."
"Dude you're an idiot." Derek says.
"Jenna, you know what lets go have sex. Hot, passionate, and mind-blowing-"
Mark cut Val off, "You do realize I'm still in the room and that's my little sister so..... GROSS."
"Well then leave so you don't have to hear." Jenna says as Val begins kissing her neck and picks her up.
"Yeah we should go." Derek says, as he hears Jenna squeal and moan.
Mark shudders, "Yeah, I don't want to hear my sister have sex."
At Central Perk....
Mark and Derek walk into Central Perk, and look at their spot to see Lindsay and Witney laughing. Derek looks at Mark.
"No time like the present." Derek says walking up to the girls. He greets Witney and Lindsay.
Mark walks up to them and awkwardly says, "Hey, what's up?"
Lindsay looked at Derek and nodded her head toward the door. When he didn't get the message, she stood up and pulled him away. As Derek was being pulled away both Witney and Mark heard, "But I don't want to miss Witney hitting somebody else."
Witney started laughing, which seemed to ease the tension, kinda.
"Well I guess we have no choice, but to talk. Well I'll go first, Witney I'm sorry."
"Okay off to a good start, continue."
"Okay I was wrong in the way I reacted and in the things I said."
"Mark, you do realize that I never intended for you to find out that way, right?"
"I know and that is why I am admitting to being wrong in the way I reacted. Witney I want you to know that I love you, I really do, but I'm not in love with you."
"I get that, I guess part of the reason I never told you was that I was afraid that you'd say that and I'd be left in the dust."
"You'll always be an important person in my life, the same girl who isn't afraid to stand up for her friends, the same girl who 'almost knocked my ass out' according to Val. You are an amazing friend and any guy would be lucky to have you. Remember that."
"Yeah, I have been told I have a pretty great right hook. Thank you Mark."
"For what?"
"I will always be there when you need me and vice versa, I guess part of the reason I never wanted you to date Brittany is because of the fact that one day she'll convince you that you don't need me in your life and you'll just throw me away."
"She could never convince me to get rid of my Itty-Bitty-Witty bug." Mark says while hugging Witney.
"I almost forgot about that name."
"Well now that this conversation is over, where does this leave us?"
"Where we've always been, best friends nothing more or anything less."
"Glad to hear." Mark smiles at Witney.
"So what brings you down to this fine little cafe?"
"I didn't want to hear my little sister have sex."
"Oh yeah, their mid-afternoon bang session. Yeah I hate when I hear them."
"Okay. Gross. I didn't need to know that." Mark says scrunching his face, as he and Witney continue to laugh and talk as if nothing bad had ever happened between them.
At Derek and Val's apartment...
The door opened and the first thing that was seen was Jenna in a robe and Val in his boxers.
"Hey, where's Witney?" Jenna asks.
"Witney and Mark are now talking and having a much needed conversation." Lindsay responds.
"Yeah and if Witney punches Mark again I will miss it again." Derek says.
"Well I mean I doubt she'd punch him again." Val says.
"Yeah, and here we thought she'd never punch him ever. You never know, she is like a moth next to a candle." Derek says.
"What? How does that even make sense? Moths are attracted to light, so what you're saying is Witney was attracted to Mark so she punched Mark in the face?" Jenna questions Derek.
"No I mean she just seems a little violent when she gets drunk." Derek explains.
"Okay well.... That still doesn't explain what you said. Don't be stupid." Jenna responds.
Witney and Mark walk in the apartment laughing.
"No Mark I'm serious."
"Okay sure yeah totally."
Jenna looks at the two of them, "I guess you two made up."
"Yeah, it was a matter of miscommunication." Mark clarifies.
"So everything is good? She didn't punch you in the face again?" Derek asks
"No Derek I didn't punch Mark in his face again!" Witney says agitated.
"Yes we had a calm cool conversation, we acted like adults, didn't we Wit?"
"Yes we did Mark, and I'm proud of us."
"Okay this doesn't give you two the right to be complete weirdos I hope you know this." Val says looking at them skeptically.
"Yeah, we aren't being weird you're the weird one, I mean who stops their day to have sex?" Mark asks.
The whole group raised their hand except for Mark and Witney.
"Well you two are prudes." Derek states simply.
"Haha..... I mean sex is good and fun, you two are telling me that I your celebrity crush was to walk on here and ask if you wanted to have sex, you wouldn't jump at the opportunity?" Jenna says looking toward Mark and Witney for answer.
"I mean Mark if Ellie Goulding walks and totally wants to bang you, you wouldn't go for it?" Val continues.
"Hell yeah, no hesitation!" Mark exclaims.
"So you would stop your entire day to have sex. There's our point." Jenna concludes.
"Well.... Only for Ellie Goulding." Mark says.
"Well I mean we don't do it on a regular basis, like you two do. You guys are like rabbits." Lindsay says.
"Well what can I say, I'm addicted to this Ukranian sex-" Jenna says rubbing Val's chest, but is cut off by Derek and Mark.
"Ewwww, no no no."
Witney, Lindsay, Mark, and Derek scrunch up their faces.
"Okay well I'm glad you two are actively having sex,but can you two get dressed so we can go to Central Perk."
"Yeah we will pass." Val says winking at Jenna, who smiles in return.
Mark shudders, "Okay let's go, again I don't want to hear my little sister have sex. Again I say for the 2nd time today."
Witney, Mark, Derek, and Lindsay walk out of the apartment, but not before hearing Jenna laugh and say 'Hurry up!'
At Central Perk...
"All is good in the world, we are reunited, and we are all friends." Derek says sighing in contentment.
"Yeah, but what the hell, are they seriously having sex?" Mark asks.
"Apparently." Witney responds.
"Well at least we know that we have Paris as an ally with the Taj Mahal." Derek says.
Lindsay looks at him and sighs.
Well the ending was weak and it wasn't my best,but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks GraceRasor you have been amazing and I thank you and want you to continue with your support.

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