Chapter 2: Leaving "home"

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Two weeks later Theon woke up to the loud chirping of the birds outside of his window. He groaned and laid his hand on his his face, trying to keep the sunlight from shining into his sensitive red eyes.

  He lazed around a bit more, before deciding that it had been enough and that he most probably should get some breakfast.

  He made his way down the stairs to the dining room after he had changed out of his night robe. The manor had taken on a lively atmosphere now that the servants were running around, doing errands.

  Theon chuckled at the sight of two maids chattering and carrying towels. Both of them seemed quite happy and didn't really pay and attention to their surroundings, resulting into one of them crashing into an errand boy, who was running in the direction of the kitchen. Both of them fell to the ground and started apologizing to one another.

  Theon continued his walk to the dining room and met his father there. In the last weeks they had gotten quite close and Theon had come to actually enjoy the other's presence, even though he would most definitely never admit that.

  The two ate breakfast together and talked about Theon's first day at the academy, that would begin in two days. Leonard had ordered a carriage to bring his son there and to Theon's surprise, and delight, the capital of the vampire race, where the academy was located, wasn't far away so he would only need around half a day to arrive there.

  After they had finished their breakfast, or more likely lunch - it was already half past one - Theon went back to his room and started packing. It was kind of weird for him that he would now need to leave the manor after he - if you ignored his little trip to the village - had spent the last four months only living in this very house.

  He sighed and shook his head. He had gotten too attached to the people of this manor, something that was the very first taboo in the hunter's codex: "Never get attached to your prey."

  He sighed as he looked at the red and black uniform that he would be needing to wear when he attended the Bloodstone academy. The uniform kind of reminded him of the clothes that he wore when he had been a hunter.

  The uniform of the hunters looked quite a lot like the school uniform in front of him. The cadets at the hunter academies, that were scattered all across the world, had to wear certain suits that where able to protect them from any dangers, be it psychological spells or physical damage. Theon had always disliked wearing them when he was a student because he didn't like the thought of not being hurt when they made a wrong move. How could they possibly learn with that?!

  But when he started his job as a hunter he had slowly started understanding how big of a help these uniforms where. In close combat they could protect one from dying and he had made use of that countless of times. He was good at what he was doing, but there where enemies that were excessively hard to beat, resulting in him nearly dying countless of times.

  He shook his head to disrupt his train of thoughts. His days as a hunter were long counted and he wouldn't be getting the chance to be one again either. As a vampire he was merely prey for the hunters. Nothing more, nothing less.

  After he had finally stored everything he needed into the suitcase his father had given him, he made his way back down the stairs were he saw his father standing at the entrance gates. A carriage was parked there and his father seemed to be talking with the carriage driver. Theon walked in the direction of these both, exiting the house.

  "Is this the person that will bring me to Bloodstone?" Theon asked his father and looked at the carriage driver with an interested gaze. He earned an agreeing nod from his father.

A vampire hunter's life as a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now