Chapter 9: Bad news

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The next days went by in a haze. The many lessons were a bit overwhelming but intersting non the less.

Theon slowly started to grow accustomed to the life of a student and actually found a bit of joy in it. Needing to keep up that happy-go-lucky facade was annoying, but the other students were interesting and the little friendgroup he had gotten to be part of was actually nice to be around.

After that one combat lesson, Phileas-"I'm so great no one's better than me''-van Hearth had for some reason picked him out as a victim of many (very childish) pranks.

In the past days, Theon had more than once found his schoolbag at places that he hadn't left it at or got soaked by water as soon as he entered the classroom (even though that only happened once).

Theon just ignored that idiotic behaviour. His bag hadn't been torn and his books hadn't been damaged, so he didn't really care, and his soaking clothes had given him the chance to miss the first lesson.

Having said that: he still hated that kid! Not only did he piss him off more than anyone else, but he also acted arrogant to everyone. He had a little group of supporters that were equally as arrogant as him and all of them were part of a nobel lineage.

  Theon sighed as he grabbed the black leather bag that he used as his schoolbag and that had been dumped into a trashbag below the classroom's window.

  These kids were really idiotic. Did they really think that that would make him sad?!

He walked back to the front of the school were his friends were already waiting for him. Summer was right around the corner, so the temperature had risen slowly in the past days, rendering them able to finally put away their jackets and enjoy the sun.

Allison was enjoying ice cream that the students of the third class had started selling in a little stall at the entrance of the schoolgates. The dark red milk ice was laced with all kinds of wild berries and Theon had already gotten a taste of it in their first break.

  "Are you alright?" Luke asked him when he saw the stains on the other's bag. Theon just signed him that he was alright, nodding to reassure him.

  "It wasn't damaged, so it's alright," he said, earning a growl from Allison.

  "If I get these bastards, I'm gonna make sure they-" her rambling was interrupted by Theon, who just shook his head.

  "I don't really care about what they do, so don't fret it. If I do get too annoyed from them, I'll just tell a teacher," he meant as they made their way back to student's dormitories.

  Next to the dormitories lay a little park full of cherry trees and because it was late spring right now they were in full bloom. The pink petals lay everywhere on the ground, making for a breathtaking scenery.

  Theon and the others picked a bench just below one of the trees and sat down. Theon on the right side, Allison on the other and Luke and Jason between them.

  Elliot had disappeared to who knows where - a habit that he seemingly had all the time. Theon had grown used to the other appearing and disappearing at every given moment, so he didn't really see a problem in that.

  "Are you all prepared for the spring festival, by the way?" Allison suddenly asked, pulling Theon out of his thoughts.

  "Spring festival?" he asked confused, sending the girl a questioning look.

  "Have you been living under a rock?" Jason asked, a baffled and unbelieving look on his face, as if Theon not knowing about the festival was a great offence.

A vampire hunter's life as a vampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz