Chapter 6: Bloodstone academy

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  The rest of the journey only took them around one and a half hours. One and a half hours of silence. One and a half hours of Theon nearly falling asleep and Luke being overly careful on every sound he heard.

  Night had coloured the sky in a dark blue violet colour and small spots of light, no doubt stars, let their light fall on the silent world below them. The dark seemed oddly soothing for Theon, a sense of security taking ahold of him. His gaze that was directed out of the carriage's small window. His sight blurred from time to time, making the stars seem far brighter than they really were. Theon sighed tiredly. The body he now posessed was quite frail, even the small amount of activity he had just done had been enough to tire him.

  "We're nearly at our destination now!" Luke's voice sounded from the driver's seat. It had taken on the cheerfullness that it had posessed all day now, not a single hint of what had transpired present in it. "Are you ready to see the beautiful city of Absalonia?"

Theon hummed, his gaze now becoming a bit clearer. The drowsiness slowly faded and he sat up straight. His heart pounded a bit faster now, excitement filling his thoughts. He had only heared about the city in the folktales the other hunters had told them when they were kids.

"The city was named after the guardian deity of the vampires, Absalom, right?" he asked with a curious tone, trying ro conceal the light shudder in his voice. When he had been a hunter, he would have used this opportunity to kill every last vampire in this city, but now he was here as a student. It was quite weird for him.

"Yes, it indeed was named after him. Your name sibling Lucifer, our great Liege, was created by him and so all of us are grateful for his deeds. Though the humans would most likely protest against that," he chuckled lightly, earning an amused smile from Theon.

  Theon had started to like the other in the past hours. Mostly because he was quite a bit like him. Of course, Theon wasn't a fool and he had noticed the two faced nature of the other vampire, but he did not really care, for he himself had been like that for a long period of time. The only reason he had stopped acting like someone he wasn't had been Adam. The boy that had oh so suddenly stumbled into his life had changed him. Quite positively at that.

  "Do you think the people at the academy are looking for us right now?" Theon asked curiously and then pointed at the darkened sky. "We are quite late after all."

"Knowing our dear headmaster, he has probably already sent out a whole search party," Luke meant as they passed the massive city gates. Guards where stationed at both sides of the gate, but they just left them through as they recognized Luke and the Bloodstone crest on the carriage's side.

  The city at night was quite calm, no loud noises were heard and the streets that were bustling with life at day were now void of any people, even the merchants had left their stalls, leaving them vacant of any colours.

  Theon's gaze wandered from the streets to the houses surrounding the street. All of them were held in an old style, brick walls and ornaments decorating them. The lights in some of the houses were still lit, giving him the view of some shadows lurking behind the closed curtains. One of the curtains suddenly were pulled open, revealing two vampire children that were looking out of the window with great interest, their eyes wide open and smiles present on their faces.

  Theon could make out a faint "Look, look! A new student at the academy!" as one of the children, a boy at what Theon would think five or six years, motioned the other to look in Theon's direction. Theon smiled at them and waved his hand a little, earning excited waves back.

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