Chapter 3: Bloodstone academy, no. More likely a f*cking basement

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Enjoy the third chapter of this story from that I don't know what exactly I'm doing... ;)


The journey of the two continued on for a while, Luke happily chatting with Theon, while Theon kept his mouth shut, listening to the other's rambling. After a while, they reached a small abandoned village that was located at the outskirts of Levenir, the vampire's capital.

Theon let out a sigh when he saw the excessively bad state that the village was in. The houses where nothing more than little huts and trash was laying in every corner.

"What, not used to something like this because you're used to that neat and noble manor of yours?" Luke asked. His voice seemed to be cheerfull, but Theon knew that he was only putting up an act. The other's expression had grown darker when he had been looking around the village just now.

"No," Theon answered him after a second of contemplaining on what he should tell the other. "This village here is a place where people once lived and that is absolutely normal. I'm not disgusted or not used to something like this. I know that there are people who live in misery and that of course is not fair. I'm more disgusted by the people who like to put themselves in high positions just to make others suffer."

Theon's gaze was dircted to the scenery surrounding them, resulting in him not seeing the small honest smile that had given Luke's face a rather attractive look. Not that he hadn't been attractive before of course.

Suddenly, the smile on his face froze. The other's eyes had instantly closed and his head had fallen on his shoulder. But not because he had suddenly felt sleepy, no. It was a little poisened arrow that had been shot in his neck.

"Lucifer!" Luke exclaimed, scooting a little bit closer to the other. But just as he had put his arms around the other to carry him behind the carriage to safety, he also felt a small pain in his neck and fell into a deep slumber.


Theon woke up with a throbbing pain in his head. His surroundings were pitch black and the only thing he felt was the cold, hard concrete floor that he was currently laying on. In the distant he could hear a droplet of water continuously falling to the ground.

He groaned and tried to sit up, only to be restrained by shakles that held his arms and legs together. The cold metal was really tight and when he tried to move it hurt his sensitive skin. Even though he was a vampire and his regeneration speed was quite literally inhuman, it still hurt.

He layed there for some time in the deafening darkness, trying to get rid of the shakles that were still restraining him. To be frank, it didn't work. His hands were bound behind his back so that he wasn't able to break them. He probably wouldn't have been able to, even if he had wanted to though.

  After some minutes Theon heard a metallic screeching sound from a door in front of him, that was now opened. The light that now flooded into the room made him squint his eyes making it hard to recognize the person that now entered the room.

  After some time Theon had grown used to the light and was able to see the person in front of him. It was a tall and actually quite handsome man that Theon would guess to be around twenty. He had blonde messy hair that he had bound behind his head in a short ponytail and he wore a scowl on his face when he looked down on him. His eyes subconsiously cheking if the shakles the other wore were still in place.

"Why in god's name did they bring me a kid? They know I don't like killing young vampires..." he said with a harsh tone in his words, sending a shiver down Theon's spine. Even though the voice of the other had changed over the past decade, the way he behaved and the way he pronounced the words were certainly more than familiar for Theon. The man in front of him hadn't been a man the last time he saw him. No, he had been a seven year old boy. The person in front of him was Adam White, his adopted son.

Theon tried to sit up a bit again, but still to no avail. The man in front of him grabbed the dagger that was hanging from his belt and he moved some steps closer.

"Sorry little one, but this needs to be done..." Adam said, now crouching down a little. But suddenly he was interrupted by a metallic snap sound. His eyes widened when he realized that the boy in front of him had managed to break the chains that were holding him down.

Theon sat up the second he was able to move. He made a run for the opened door, but was stopped by the hunter instantly. The hunter yanked his arm around the other's neck, pulling him back. Theon instantly began trying to struggle out of his hold, but he wasn't strong enough.

"Quite interesting that you were able to break these chains, but you don't have a chance against a real vampire hunter," he explained to the boy as if said boy didn't know that.

"So he did become a vampire hunter, just like me...", Theon thought, but subconciously he also whispered what he had thought. The arms around his neck loosened a bit.

"What did you just say?" Adam said, his voice low and dangerously calm. "You are a vampire. No way you could ever be a hunter, especially not at this age. So, who are you?"

Theon nearly choked on his own saliva. Why in the world did he just say that out loud?! He tried to calm himself, his mind racing. What could he say to the other to sound the least suspicious, but what would still be enough to not get killed?

"I don't think that I owe you an explanaition. After all, you are going to kill me anyways, right?" Theon huffed, his eyes locking with the one's of the man behind him. He sent the other a spiteful gaze, even though he currently needed to hold himself back to not hug the living daylight out of the other. Adam had been the most important person to him in his past life and one of the only people he regretted leaving behind in his past life was him.

"You're right with me needing to kill you, but if you tell me what you just meant with that, I will make it quick, if you don't, I will need to torture you to discover the truth," Theon just chuckled at the words of the other.

"You think that torture makes me afriad? Yeah, no way in hell. Little one, you wouldn't find a way to get any infromation out of me, believe it," Theon said, his stiff posture now relaxing. The other would most definetely kill him if he wouldn't find out the truth, so he would just tell him everything. The other would probably not believe him, but if he died he wanted to at least hug him for the last time, even though it sounded quite cheesy.

"So you wont tell me anything? We'll see that, young one," Adam said, using the words Theon had just used. In a swift motion, he moved his dagger to Theon's arm, but was stopped by the hand of the other who engulfed his hand and shakily stopped him from hurting him. Even though he looked quite frail, he was actually as strong as a normal grown man.

"I told you that you wouldn't be able to get something out of me if you tried to force me, but not that I wouldn't tell you," Theon said, earning an amused chuckle from the other.

"Then tell me, little birdy. Who are you really?" Theon sighed after the other had said that, the new nickname definetely wasn't to his liking, but he still started explaining from the very start.


Now it's getting interesting... Tell me, what do you think will happen?

Word count:1386

A vampire hunter's life as a vampireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora