Chapter 10: Meeting a certain someone

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The day before

  Theon groaned, his hand shot to his head. A pounding headache had taken over his thoughts and it took him a moment to realise where he was.

  His eyes went wide open when he realized that he was still lying in his dormitory's bed, the soft matress far more comforting than the pain that shot through his head at every move he made.

  What had happened? The last thing he remembered was that someone... no, not someone: Tyler van Grey forcefully entered his room and... yeah, what happened after that? He had thought that the other would have taken him with him, but seemingly he hadn't.

"He did take you with him," someone suddenly said and because of that startled the other and made him pretty much jump up from his position, taking on a defensive stance. Well, as defensive as one could get, sitting on a bed that nearly made him fall over when he didn't take care about his balance.

His gaze focused at where the voice had come from and his eyes widened when he realized just who had spoken to him. At the little window sill, that acconmanied the only window in the room, sat a boy of around thriteen years.

  But not just any boy. The boy was a spitting image of him, or more likely he was a spitting image of the kid. It was Lucifer Arcado, the person whose identity he had taken over!

Theon's eyes widened when their gazes met and he was answered by a light chuckle from the boy.

"You're not at all how I imagined you to be," the boy meant, his eyes wandering over Theon, examing him.

Just as Theon wanted to ask why he said that, they looked identical afterall, he realized that he had taken on his old body again.

He unbelievingly touched his face, realizing that he had indeed changed back when he felt the small scar on his right cheekbone, just below his eye.

  He really was back in his old body!

  "You do appear quite confused," the boy infront of him chuckled when he saw the other's surprised face. "Your name is Theon White, right? I have been watching you for a while now, after you took over my body.

  I wouldn't have thought that you would be so bold, if I'm honest."

  He sat up, leaving his place on the window sill to get a little closer to the other, his eyes still locked on the other's, their deep red colour a bit darker than Theon's own when he used his powers as a hunter.

"How is it that I can communicate with you like this? I thought that your soul had perished after I took over your body..." Theon asked the other, a still confused expression on his face.

"I do not plan on perishing that fast, Mister Hunter," Lucifer said, taking a seat at the side of the bed. "When your soul entered my body, I was pushed back into the deepest parts of this body.

  I was quite intrigued indeed. My father and me have been non-believers when it came to the topic of magic other than vampire magic, but now this happened. Is it a case of reincarnation, maybe? Nevertheless, as long as you do not put harm to my body or soul, nor the people I care about, I can do naught but stay back. Especially because I did not yet find a way to get my body back."

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