Chapter 5: Answers

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Silence fell over the room, and Then felt the urge to gulp down his nervousness. He hadn't anticipated this outcome an now he had quite a big problem.

Like what the hell was he supposed to tell the vampire now?! ''Hey, I'm a former vampire hunter and this is my adoptive son, hope you don't mind, let's go to Bloodstone now''?!

Theon sighed and motioned the hunter to get off the other. Adam first didn't move, but after a firm ''move'' from Theon, he moved to Theon's side, muttering something about dumb vampires. Theon just lightly hit him on the head and sent him a glare, telling him to shut up.

Luke slowly stood up, his gaze slowly shifting between Adam and Theon, confusion clearly evident on his face. After he had managed to stand upright, he eyed Theon with a nearly hurt look in his eyes.

''What the hell is happening here?!" he asked, now also having anger present in his voice. "Why is that hunter following your orders like he's your damn lapdog?!"

Adam growled to that, his gaze now laying on the vampire with a strong hatred in his forest green eyes. Theon grabbed his shoulder to stop him from trying to attack the other, sending him a glare.

"This is Adam White. He is the son of a hunter that once fought against my father and lost, resulting in the death of said hunter and my father's confinement to the Arcado manor," Theon explained. He felt that Adam stiffened as he said those words.

''And what exactly is your connection to that human?!" Luke asked, the human sounding more than an insult than anything else. "If your father killed his father, shouldn't he be trying to kill you or Leonard? Why would you two be together now and why would he kidnap us?!"

"Because he did try to kill me and I was able to stop him by making a deal with him," Theon explained. His voice void of any nervousness, while his head was full of chaos. At this point, he wasn't even sure what he was saying anymore. Stupid feelings of that annoying vampire that influenced him all the time!

"Adam here and I made a deal after that... killing attempt and for that reason he indeed does not pose a threat to any of us, as long as we stay still and do not try to attack him," Then sighed as he saw the unbelieving look present on the other's face. "I promised him that he could kill me if I did anything to harm a human again and that I would bring him to my father. We both know that he won't be able to get to my father on his own and because of that reason he prommised to keep me alive."

"What?!" Luke exclaimed loudly, shock and disbelieve present in his voice. "How could you just sell out your father like that?! If this hunter gets to him, he will certainly kill him!"

"And for the small possibility that he could win against my father, which is quite unrealistic, I should give up my life like that? I am by no means strong enough to fight any of the hunters right now and so are you. I deduced that it would be more intelligent to keep us both alive with a chance to get not only us both, but also my father out of this mess alive, instead of dying here and letting this hunter here get to my father alone and be able to use a surprise attack to kill him," after he had ended his speech, Theon was nearly holding a back a proud grin. For an excuse made without thinking all that long, it was quite logical and had at least some sense.

The reactions to his words were quite identical. Both Adam and Luke were looking at him with astounding looks and a really big amount of confusion was present on their faces. Adam was fast enough to conceal his surprise though, his cold facade taking over his face once again.

"You are quite gullible. Talking openly about your plans in front of a hunter, huh?" Adam said, raising one of his eyebrows. "I didn't really expect that from his son."

Theon needed to suppress the ruge to pat him on the shoulder. His acting talent seemingly had gotten better in all this years.

"So you two are like, working together now?" Luke asked. "It is really weird to see a vampire and a human not trying to get to eachother's throats..."

"Seems like it, huh?" Adam just said and directed the two vampires to the exit of the basement they both had been kept in. "Remember to keep your promise, little vampire. We hunters have our eyes and ears everywhere and if I even hear a rumor about you breaking our promise, I will hunt you down myself and make sure to send your father quite the gruesome present before killing him."

After that speech, he practically threw them out of the hut that the basement was connected to and closed the door behind them with a loud bang. Theon and Luke just looked at eachother after that, an awkward silence filling the air around them.

"That was... quite the strange human, huh?" Luke asked, trying to lift the mood. Failing terribly.

"I'm sorry for making you trip and punch you... I hope you're alright," Theon said. After he wasn't in that goddamn life or death situation anymore, he was able to concentrate again and put on his naive and innocent facade again.

"It's alright, I guess. My regeneration abilities are quite good and a punch like the one before really isn't enough to hurt me in any way," Luke said, patting Theon's head and sending him a reassuring smile.

Theon inwardly sighed, glad that the other had bought his lie. He knew that the other wouldn't trust him as much as he did before, but the fact that he wasn't too suspicious right now was enough for him.

Both of them then went down the muddy street in silence, a comfortable one though. After some minutes they reached the carriage that they had left behind.

After some kind of silent agreement both of them took the places that they had at the start of their journey. Theon in the carriage and Luke on the driver's seat.

"Then let's get on with the last step of our journey, even though we're probably later than late by now..." Luke said. A bit of cheerfullness seemed to have found it's way back into his voice.

Theon answered him with a humm, but other that the ones before this one seemed to be at least a little bit more friendly. Bringing Luke to smile.


Now they finally will get to Bloodstone academy and everything will be alright, right?





Yeah, who am I kidding?

Word count: 1161

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