2. Flowers and chocolates.

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"Chaemin-ah, why don't you get what I'm meaning to say to you? Why are you so heartless. So ruthless. So uncaring to me feelings?" Seungmin said as the rain was dripping them wet. The girl in front dripped in rain. It was impossible to find the difference between tears and raindrops.

"I deserve better, hanseoul" she said and started to walk away from him as seungmin took the grip of the bench and sat on it. Crying like he'd die. "chaemin.... Don't leave yet" he screamed but she was long gone in a car that dissapeared in a distance.

"Cut! Amazing shot. Y'all can rest and we'll start the next one in ten minutes" the director said as seungmin paced running to Kyumin who was excitedly watching seungmin act.

"Wow! You did great! Now i know how you made those films i we watch" Kyumin said. "i know Kyumin. I wanted to bring you here for so long. Finally you're here" seungmin said as he came after wrapping a towel around him as Kyumin still didn't care and hugged him tight. "how can it rain in summers dada? And only where you and aunty were standing" Kyumin asked innocently with those hands action.

"That's artificial rain. Not the real one." Seungmin replied. "and why were you holding her face like you hold Papa's? Who is she?" Kyumin asked as if interrogating and now seungmin was getting the idea of why Jeongin was so damn tired of his life.

"She's the heroine. We're both just acting , baby" seungmin said but looked at Jeongin as if he was giving an explanation to him.

"Let's go. You have your play date at chan uncle's house" Jeongin said as Kyumin whined to stay a little here. "can't we call them here to watch the shooting together?" "I don't think so. Your dad won't like it" "ugh... Why. You're not even letting him speak. Dada tell me..." Kyumin whined shaking seungmin as he replied "i think papa is right. You should go. You shouldn't make sooyeonnie wait."

"Okay... But you come home fast! And bring me something " "Kyumin.." Jeongin said in intense tone "yeah.. bring something that's healthy " Kyumin said as Jeongin smiled a bit and seungmin looked at it.

They both left after a while and now seungmin walked upto the director to ask for a half day leave. Ofcourse he was granted it as the stake were high of kim seungmin in the industry and no director wanted to be in his bad books.

After he left, sitting in the car he opened the list of things that were needed to be fulfilled for Jeongin's convincing. "flowers and Chochlates it is" he mumbled and smiled. How he remembered the dates of his time. Innie sulking whenever he was late to the dates and blushing the next moment when he was given flowers. Pink roses he remembered. Jeongin would die for those. Whatever country Seungmin travelled, he'd bring the special desserts and Chochlates for him and he'd only stop whining then.

He looked outside for a while. Taking deep breaths. Taking in the sad feeling that he tried to compare with Jeongin's. How Jeongin was shut all this time, whenever he felt the damn jealousy in him but he never told seungmin about it. And how seungmin was never able to ask and talk to him about the damn misunderstandings. The words seemed to be lost between them. They didn't even talk like before. But it seemed that seungmin wasn't talkative since quite a long time. He was always busy and never home mostly. How much Jeongin needed him to stay close and how much distancing increased with no explanations.

Seungmin wiped a tear strayed somewhere on his cheek and felt the burden of it. It was much lesser than the guilt for Jeongin's unhappiness. They both were to be blamed. Seungmin that he did take Jeongin for granted and Jeongin that he valued seungmin so damn much that he got a nice lesson for it. But it was now time to move on.

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