6. Fireworks.

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"You slept here all night?" Seungmin asked rubbing his eyes to get his blurry vision back to normal as he saw Jeongin sleeping with his head on the couch and him sitting on the floor. "I thought I'd just go back after a nap but didn't wake up from it" innie said in his cute hoarse voice.

"Dad... I hear Papa's voice.. i think I'm in love with him too" Kyuminnie said to seungmin and seungmin laughed loud. "it's because I'm right here , baby" Jeongin said and Kyumin woke up abruptly. "oh shoot" "and how many coins you need to put in the swear jar now?" Jeongin interrogated. "ask dad first. He had to put more coins" Kyumin joked going and hugging Jeongin.

"You don't even miss me now that you're with him" Jeongin pouted

"I do! You're so lovely. I thought you'd let me roam around and spend time with him happily. Aren't you?" Kyumin asked.

"What's up with the question tags, devil?" Seungmin asked with a chuckle. "i hear Jisung uncle talk like this. Why does he talks English so different?" Kyumin asked with hand impressions. "oh he's British. Even his parents don't know how" Jeongin said and all laughed. "we need to go have a visit. And a visit to sooyeonie too, to make sure she's completely fine now" seungmin said and innie nodded. He liked the way Seungmin made list of all places to go together and timetable wfich he always ignored in past.

"I don't wanna go to Dr. Minho... You guys always fight there..." Kyumin said pouting and hitting Seungmin's chest at one particular spot with light hands. "we won't.. look now we aren't right? We won't in the future too" seungmin said

"I smell burnt bread. WHO THE FUCK IS MAKING BREAKFAST WHEN WE ARE ALL IN BED?" Seung asked panicking as he saw Changbin hyung standing in the doorway of kitchen. "fuck..." Binnie said to himself and ran to inside.

He got so busy looking at the family scene going on with sooyeonie that they both forgot about the breads on pan. "what a surprise you always give hyung" innie said going inside to help the cleaning process. "I'm sorry. I just thought of coming here. Had a spare key so.. and channie is out for business trip again and we were bored." Binnie said as sooyeonie ran to hug Kyuminnie and seungmin uncle. "you're perfectly fit now .. amazing are you eating well?" Seung asked as sooyeonie nodded and both kids started playing.

"Again he left?" Jeongin asked "yeah.. but will return tomorrow morning. He said he won't go on more than one day trips" Binnie replied.

"Makes me so damn lonely. How did you spend the 2 months without him?" Binnie asked Jeongin. "it just went by. Out of anger. Out of sadness. Out of everything but love" innie replied with a thin smile. "hope you're giving him time. And not those sour words " Binnie said "i am. They had quite a fun time yesterday and were sleepyheads just now. I wonder if he'll just make Kyuminnie leave school and hangout everyday" innie said. "naah. Seungmin can be really serious." Binnie said and Jeongin nodded looking at the sight of those 3 busy creatures.

"Jeongin, listen.. if you want i can take Kyumin with me for a day. You can actually have a.. erm.. good time .. if you know that i mean... With him" Binnie said and left Jeongin flustered.

"Are you crazy? You're literally not sane right now. Go to hell." Jeongin muttered and ran out to use his Kyumin as a shield. "you drank tomato juice?" Kyumin asked "why?" "Coz you're all red" Kyumin said pecking his finger on innie's dimples.

"Heard the pickup line dada? I think I'll win papa over before you do" Kyumin said and winked at seungmin and seungmin was left speechless. "you are here because i won Papa's heart long back." Seungmin fought cutely. "enough. My burned bread needs attention now" Binnie said saving Jeongin from the teasings. "this is still yummy pa" sooyeonie said eating those. "oh my God. She's such an angel. " Jeongin couldn't help but coo at her love for Binnie. "yeah... She must've learnt it from chan hyung" "don't get me started over whatever shit your chan hyung says. God." Binnie said with his warning finger ahead.

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