10. Long lost sight.

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//Triggered warnings - mention of kidnapping, mention of blood, violence.

"It isn't moving.... Jeongin it isn't moving!!" Seungmin sobbed and sobbed over that sackbag. "please open it. Please" innie begged as he went and sat next to seung away from the sack. He was clearly afraid.

"I saw a person with my eyes.. he-he brought Kyuminnie in this r-room se-seungmin. Listen to me, what if w-what if there is Kyumin in this. What'll we do? WHAT'LL WE DO?!" innie was cleary panicking now and his phase of panic attacks weren't a good sight for seungmin. "shush. Don't cry. And don't think that. I'm sure Kyumin isn't in this. He's just playing with our minds' seung said as innie wasn't stopping his tears and couldn't take his mind off his mental image of dead Kyumin lying here.

"Open it goddammit " seung thundered and young k himself carefully went and took the sack in his lap to untie it and saw that Kyumin was indeed unconscious. "wait... He-he is just unconscious. He's not dead. We need to go to hospital right fucking now." He said and seungmin rejoiced "oh my god. Thankyou God" he said looking above and hugging innie who was now crying in happiness. "fast! Fast ! Please!" Innie Mumbled as they sat in the car and seungmin got Kyumin in his lap and carrased his head. Innie was too weak for this. He just kept his head on Seungmin's shoulder and saw how the naughty playful boy was now silent. Not calling him papa or seungmin dada anymore.

"Fast please..." Seungmin begged with teary eyes as the traffic was the problem and Dino tried his best to not cry. Remembering his own little girl and trying not to think that what if a life he always imagined that was filled with riches and fame but seung was now regretting it all. If he was a normal person they'd not see a thing like this in the whole life. Living a anti messy life was just a dream.

Young k stayed back to deal with the psycho xion and he made sure his 7 ancestors regretted giving birth to him.

Hyunjin was in the passenger's looking back frequently to look if Kyumin will call him Jinnie suddenly.

Seungmin prayed to all the gods there were in his language to just save the little munchkin. Oh how that nickname felt so heavy.

They reached hospital after what felt like hours and seungmin ran with Kyumin in his arms. And innie hurried behind. "emergency. Please look at him. He's unconscious" seungmin said as doctor asked him to sit first and took Kyumin away lying on the stretcher. How innie felt scared by this hospital scene around him.

"Don't think too much. Keep your eyes closed" seungmin said as he hugged innie tightly. "you should've been there faster" innie complained sniffing into Seungmin material. "i know. Baby... I'm so so sorry" seungmin said kissing his head back. "i hate you so much" innie said gripping on tight "you should. You should" seung repeated. And let out tears like that were endless waterfall trying to barge thru those jailing eyes. Innie was too tired as he slept on his shoulder. Seungmin just imagined the amount of pain innie would've endured.

After an hour. Hyunjin came up with coffees and innie woke up. "i think you should bandage too. Your bruises and everything" seungmin said to innie as he was wearing Seungmin's jacket close while hugging it. As it was big. "i can't go seungmin. What if he wakes up without me." Jeongin said.

"I'll call you" "no.. i can endure a little more." Innie said.

After another hour or such the doctor came out. "is he okay?"

"Due to concession in breathing his lungs were highly affected. Good thing that you brought him here in time. But if you were a little late then... Anyways he's gonna be fine. Other physicians are working on bringing the normal respiratory. The immune suddenly weakened and that will need time to improve but there's no chances of worry. All you need to do is focus on his eating habits and putting no pressure on his lungs and weak body. But one thing kim seungmin ssi I'm so sorry that we couldn't correct one matter, there are higher chances of him getting asthma for life." Doctor said squeezing Seungmin's shoulder as he broke down.

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