3. Photographs

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The next day was next to impossible. Jeongin just pretended that seungmin didn't even exist now. And Kyumin was out of ideas to get his dad and pa together.

"I don't believe you're 28 years old." Kyumin said as Jeongin was making breakfast and he could hear the conversation happening between the dad son duo.

"Why'd you say that?"

"I came up with most ideas and now I'm out of them. But you have almost.... 1 no-.. 2 no-.. 3 times more bigger brain than mine. Think something, kim" Kyumin came forward and whispered all of this to seung

Seungmin just nodded and later picked him up as a punishment and swerved him in the air. "you called me kim? You menace." "Okay I'm sorry dada. My lovely dad. Whose voice is as cute as his face. Please let me down." Kyumin said cutely screaming his lungs out and tried to be back on his study desk.

"Give me a kiss" seung said as Kyumin did it happily and not long after Jeongin just brought all the things of breakfast and didn't give seungmin a chance to help him. That's how he was. After returning from Chan's he's been like this. Seungmin hated the fact that he behaved wrong and that too in innie's hyung house. But that's how Jeongin was behaving. All ready and ever ready for fights but didn't lose one chance of making seungmin regret everything.

Seungmin just sighed and started to feed Kyumin first. As Jeongin fought to hold Kyumin but seungmin didn't let him go. "i don't like this." Kyumin said pouting. He was already on the verge of tears. "what? You didn't like the eggs. Wait I'll make them again" Jeongin said as Kyumin stopped him holding his hand. "no... Not the eggs but you two. I want you two to be friendly again. Like you were as far as i can remember. In love. Not in anger" Kyumin said looking intensely in Jeongin's eyes. Both the pairs getting equally teared up. Seungmin just fiddled around with his fork.

"You're not so mature to say things like that" Jeongin said

"And he's not that mature to hear us fight every damn day too" seungmin said defensively towards Kyumin.

"Don't start again. He's gonna go to school, I'll drop him and i don't like to get him late" Jeongin said.

Kyumin just shrugged Jeongin's arm that was around him. "dada will leave me. He said he will for the ten days. I'll make sure he learns it to do for the rest of years " Kyumin said and seungmin was in awe at how mature Kyuminnie already was.

"I'm gonna be dead if i get more of these" Jeongin said as he was frustrated enough by the word of the day this duo gave him.

He simply went to do the laundry and that's when Kyumin started giving the day's plan to seungmin. "what do Mino uncle mean by photographs?" Kyumin said "I don't understand it myself." As he started to doodle around the 3rd to-do list of Minho.

"He either means that i should show him the photographs of our each special day till now" seungmin suggested.

"Were there any?" Kyumin said as he sent a dagger thru Seungmin's heart. "sure there were! The day we adopted you.. the day when you entered this house and many more. Why would you Violate me that way" seungmin said pouting as he was backhugged by little Kyumin.

"I was just messing with you! Don't sulk. I wanted you to know that papa is in this conversation too" Kyumin said as seungmin chuckled and kyumin knew he won in the task.

"So i need to find my diary." Seung said as he got up and went to his room and thought that Jeongin might've kicked the diary out but he still having some hope, went to the basement to see if there was any box of Seungmin's. And there indeed was and in it was a light blue diary. He opened it to see that postcards of their every picture were present.

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