4. Love letters.

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"Are you kidding me? What if Kyumin sees all of this?" Seungmin heard Jeongin's voice as he ran to seung with full of laughter filling the room. He pointed at the polariods that had innie dressed in rather questionable clothes.

"I'll remove these once he's here."

"Omg this is so embarrasing. When did you even take my pictures" Jeongin asked with tears in his eyes by laughing so much. "wow.. you really don't remember?" "I was into you that time, that's why" Jeongin flirted.

"This .. looks amazing" he said inhaling deeply and glancing over the room with fairy lights wrapped around the ribbons on which the photographs were hung. The whole room was glistening just by those fairy lights.

"You remember all of this?" Seungmin asked as he backhugged innie. He really didn't care if his day would be deducted. But Jeongin never said that about that he just melted in his touch. "hmm. I do, seungmin. Everything. Especially this. I mean it was hell of a surprise" Jeongin said as he pointed to a photo of their wedding on cruise in the front of the whole damn paparazzi and it was the bravest day of kim seungmin as he came out for the first time and unexpectedly proposed innie for marriage.

They both remember it very clearly. Innie was called for a date on cruise with him and he was surprised later on by the inclusion of two families and he somehow guessed what was happening, he was quite stressed about the life ahead and was confused about his decision but he didn't want to break Seungmin's heart and the families' too. Therefore they got happily married and days passed by.

Not after one year, innie used to be left alone in the mansion and used to get lonely. So seungmin decided to take a step forward and they had true arguments regarding it but later Jeongin again to keep Seungmin's heart, said yes to adoption of a kid. And that's how a year old kid named Kyumin took his first steps in mansion.

Little did Jeongin know that he's going to make him his peice of heart and love him so much that he'd cry everytime he thought about it. Kyumin was really a sweetheart and seung used to stay home frequently too to create a attachment.

Jeongin loved this change. They started to have a really great time together and every other person wanted what they had. Love, laughter, health, understanding.

But the life of Seungmin started to prosper when he started to work abroad. Subsequently going for a month's tour to either of foreign places and returning like some lost person was found suddenly. That's what Jeongin hated the most. He wanted the same seung back who was always taking care of them.

Or maybe Jeongin was now spoiled by that seungmin.

He didn't care. A lot of fights started to erupt when Kyumin turned 5. Before that they used to keep a promise to not sleep being angry to each other. But now it didn't matter. Any one would sleep in Kyumin's bedroom and the next day would happen that seungmin took away Kyumin and Jeongin waking up alone.

That would be the real fun as Kyumin craved his dad's vibes. Maybe he was given less attention that's why. But seung didn't have this all shit in his mind. He just thought of himself as a perfect dad. Until Jeongin started to list things out and fight happened.

That was the first time seungmin was mad drunk and was about to crash his car. Until the thoughts of Kyumin erupted in his mind and he slowed the car down and went to Minho.

Minho consulted him thoroughly at how the other one must be thinking and all the things innie must be going thru alone, without leaking a word out. That's when seungmin decided to not fight any more. But after a year everything was same. Him being busy. Innie having to be the single parent most of the time.

"See his baby feet. They look so adorable" innie pointed at a picture of a one year old Kyumin who was wrapped up in his doremon blanket as they were going for a walk with papa picking him up.

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