Ep.2: Fate's Collide

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Nix: Previously on Force Awakens...

The Jedi uses Force Push to blow away the Sith's Stormtrooper escort, but it has no effect on the Dark Lord herself. A battle begins. The Rogue Jedi is no match for the Sith and is eventually thrown into his home. She grips the Jedi with Force Choke.

Rogue Jedi: The Dark Side has clouded your mind. Just it did me... the friends you've killed.

???: Your lover was weak. I destroyed her.

Man: Then I will avenge her death.

???: Revenge is not the Jedi way.

Man: I am no Jedi.

It cuts to close up of a hand, where a small leather sack is placed in the palm. The hand closes. Another older hand covers it. In a primitive hut, an old explorer, Lor San Tekka, has handed the mysterious sack to Poe Dameron while Nix watches with his arms crossed.

Tekka: This will begin to make things right. I've traveled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.

Nix: Well, because of you now we have a chance. The General's been after this for a long time.

Tekka: "The General." To me, she's royalty. Well, she certainly is that. While she is family to you.

Lights are on the horizon he then hands the quadoculars to Nix who sees approaching enemy ships. Nix lowers the quadnocs and turns to Tekka.

Nix: You have to hide.

Tekka: You have to leave. Go!

Two Troopers are blown away in the large blasts hits! Both pilots try to start their ships now, but the engines sputter. Concerned, they both opens their canopies, jumping down, moves to the back of their own ships showing bad damage on the rear engine panel and to make matters worse R-10 got shot.

Poe kneels beneath his ship, pulls from the leather sack a small, old artifact which he inserts into BB-8, as the droid's Multi-Reader envelops it.

Nix: You take this and go. It's safer with you than it is with us. You get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?

BB-8 beeps.

Poe: I'll come back for you! It will be alright.

BB-8 watches Nix and Poe run off. As he lets out a nervous beep, then turns and heads off.

The Troopers and villagers are shown in battle, as one Trooper is hit and goes down. Another trooper kneels to help. But the hit trooper raises a torn, bloody glove showing his human hand and marks the Stormtrooper's mask with blood just before he dies. The Trooper, stands up, overwhelmed by the battle. An imposing shuttle craft lands near the transport vehicle.

The shuttle craft door opens, through the wind and smoke, a tall, dark figure, strides through the chaos toward San Tekka. The figure stops before the outraged Lor San Tekka, dwarfing him. Only now does it become apparent that dark figure wears a dark mask, marked by battle. Inset metal lines reflect fire.

Figure: Look how old you've become.

Tekka: Something far worse has happened to you.

Figure: You know what I've come for.

Tekka: I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren.

Kylo Ren: The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it, and now you're going to give it to the First Order.

Adjacent to the village, Nix and Poe enters the  frame and sees the Ren/San Tekka exchange continue.

Tekka: The First Order rose from the dark side... you did not.

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