Ep. 6: The Plan

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Maz: Previously on the Force Awakens...

We find Han, Nix and Chewie moving out, looking up. As it zooms in on Nix's stunned face.

Finn: It was the Republic.

Nix, Han and Chewie turn as Finn arrives, moving quickly through the crowd. With dread.

Finn: Where's Rey?

Cut to Rey racing through the forest and finally comes to a stop, overwhelmed and exhausted. At an emotional breaking point, she has no idea where to go, who to turn to. Then she hears a beep and turns to see BB-8, catching up with her. Then, another sound, louder now as they look up again: in front of the system attack, a fleet of First Order ships roar overhead, towards the castle!

Rey: Nix...

Her heart sinks: her friends are in danger! Even worse Nix was in danger! Cut to Maz leading Han, Nix, Finn and Chewie down the hall, fast.

Maz: I've had this for ages...

She opens the box and holds out the lightsaber to Nix.

Maz: Kept it locked away. Take it! Find your friend!

Nix: I got my own.

Finn instead grabs it as the room is shaken by an above ground attack. Aliens are seen running, getting obliterated by screaming TIE Fighters! Other TIE Fighters and Transporters land, as Stormtroopers attack. Just then, filtered radio calls get Rey's attention: nearby Stormtroopers have spotted her, and fire!

Stormtrooper: FN-417, hold position!

Rey takes cover, grabs her blaster but it won't fire! She switches off the safety and fires back! Hitting two Troopers and retreats, she calls to BB-8 and he-8 follows Rey away from the castle, firing back at more chasing Troopers! As this happens Kylo Ren moves through the Debris of the castle. A Stormtrooper approaches:

Kylo Ren: Sir, the droid was spotted heading west, with a girl.

Kylo Ren looks back sharply, in Rey's direction. Rey and BB-8 move swiftly, terrified and she stops them.

Rey: You have to keep going, stay out of sight find Nix, I'll try to fight 'em off.

BB-8 beeps; bravely through her fear. BB-8 beeps and heads off as Rey runs and takes cover behind a massive, mossy tree. Pan to her terrified face.

Cut back to the castle as Han, Nix, Chewie, Finn and Maz, exhausted, climb up, peek through debris.

Han: Come on, Chewie!

Maz turns to Nix.

Maz: Rey and BB-8, they need you Skywalker. Now go.

Finn watches as Nix begins to walk out of cover taking out the two pieces of metal he had since episode one. The commander looks through his macrobinoculars, we see a shot from the commanders point of view, he zooms in on Nix who is walking alone with no weapon drawn towards them. The troopers began to fire at him but missed entirely every shot. Nix then stands still and casually dodges a blaster bolt.

Finn: What is he doing?!

Han: About to let everyone in on the secret.

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