S3; Ep.2: Wayfinder

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Rey told Leia after all—at least part of it—and she was so glad she did. The general thought her vision might even be important enough to send her and Nix out for confirmation once the Falcon returned. Leia was considering it, anyway. Even though they both knew Rey wasn't ready to leave her training but also knows Nix would protect her during their journey.

So Nix and Rey knelt on the ground near her workbench to do some aspirational packing. Leia and BB-8 watched as Rey shoved rations and supplies into her bag. Okay, mostly rations.

Their Resistance friends were always complaining about the food, saying it was tasteless and unsatisfying, but Rey had no idea what they were talking about. She'd never eaten so well in her life, or so often. She always kept a few nutrient packs stuffed under her cot, though. Just in case.

She eyed Nix who was looking over his rebuilt saber as her eyes shift to the unfinished lightsaber on the workbench next to him. It wasn't ready yet, and the one Nix painstakingly repaired, then there's the Skywalker saber it didn't really belong to her and Nix refuses to take it. So her quarterstaff would have to suffice as a weapon. Which was just fine. It had served her well on Jakku for years.

In fact, someday, once she had mastered this lightsaber-building business, she might design one that felt more like a quarterstaff in her hand. Familiar and hefty. Two business ends. Maybe with a hinge in the middle for portability.

She'd learned a lot about lightsabers by watching Nix reforging his saber. Luke's ancient Jedi texts also had offered some guidance—like how to repair the kyber crystal—and her experience building daily tools from scavenged parts had provided the rest. Rey was confident she'd eventually finish her own from scratch, even though there was her husband to teach her how.

Leia: Do you know where the vision came from?

She asked as Rey crammed one more ration bar into her pack.

Rey: I wish I knew... but I can't tell what the vision was. It...

Words failed her. How to describe something so intense? So strangely personal? Rey hefted her bag while Nix holstered his blaster and saber and stepped toward Leia, carefully avoiding a power line snaking across the bare ground.

Their base on Ajan Kloss was barely cobbled together. Consoles sat outside, exposed to the elements. A massive cave provided some shelter for sleeping, and an old rebel blockade runner called the Tantive IV—currently grounded while awaiting replacement parts—served as command quarters for Leila as well as a communications center.

Nix and Rey, like many Resistance fighters, had chosen to sleep on a cot tucked against a wall of green jungle near the entrance. A footlocker, a workbench, and a lot of mud completed their personal "quarters." Still, it was better than sand. Besides, Rey liked sleeping out in the open, her subconscious constantly monitoring the comings and goings around her. Being held by Nix as they sleep. It was a reminder that she was part of something. That she wasn't alone anymore.

Leia: I'm listening.

Rey: I didn't finish the training course. I let the visions distract me. I'm just not feeling myself. I know it looks...it looks like I'm making excuses.

Leia's eyes narrowed.

Leia: Don't tell me what things look like. Tell me what they are.

Rey turns to Nix with a look that says; "Maybe trying to tell Leia about her vision had been a mistake after all."

Rey: I think I'm just tired. That's all.

Leia gave her an arch look that made her feel like the worst liar who had ever been caught lying then to Nix. Rey was relieved to be interrupted by Lieutenant Connix's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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