Chapter 10 - Someone

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I stand in a dark shadowy corner of the kaulitz kitchen as tom pours us some form of his mother's expensive wine, he turns to me glowing in the sharp sunlight from the ajar window I smile, a sweet coating to my dark interior he tenderly leans into me kissing me on the head reaching down and grabbing the limbs by my sides I shudder and he stops. Feeling rejected and declined he holds my hands and takes a step back "are you-.. Are you ok" he stutters and stumbles through his deep words "did I do something wrong" I avoid his eye contact looking for comfort in the linolium flooring and curtains around me anywhere but his eyes I looked till I felt his eyes like hot burning glazers, I look down at my blood stained sleeve. His grip shakes as I try to pull away. A jittery hand I reach to cover my mouth in hysteria. As he rolls my sleeve up he begins to choke, to choke on his words and regret his actions. He drops my arms and grabs my face as tears begin to stream his cold hands shake against my cheeks without saying word he grabs my head and forces me into the warmth of his chest I follow his fast heart rate as he weakens into my arms beggining to vociferate he holds me tight clenching his arms around my figure. My achy bones weak under the pressure of our connection my sliced and destroyed limbs stinging against his wool jacket that held me so tight. "pl-please" his voice cracks in panic "please don't do this" he yells his voice clinging to the walls of this hollow kitchen. My vision blurs and I shake my tears emptying onto his chest I find deep unnerving comfort wrapped within him. I promised I wouldn't let myself get this bad. I believed I wasn't going to get this bad. My eyes dart towoards my arms and I stare at the bloody scab marks from where I dragged a metal blade slowly along my flesh. My flesh that I destroyed. I was just like those girls in the movies where some boy upsets them so they slash there wrists and get sent away. Only in my story there was no reasoning to why I did things. I just did. Impulse was a deep rooted compulsion set in my veins from birth my father impulsed and overdosed. I will never forget the way he looked. His eyes were clouded over and his skin was blotchy and pale despite his normal tanned appearance. It stuck. It never left. The way his arms were decorated with patches of long glicering scars from needle that he chose to inbed in his flesh. It was a choice. However my issues felt out of control. Maybe he felt the same. I'll never know all I know is that I am him. I am his blood and he is mine. I listen to Tom's whimpering that echoed into my ear. My tears began to dry and his grip began to loosen. He took a moment to turn and adjust his features before revolving his hands into mine and forcing my into a creaky kitchen chair. The stains on the table like ornaments in this empty palace of a household he willingly brought me to like a dismantled and defeated teddy bear found in a puddle on a rainy day. He seated himself scraping a chair till his knees clashed with mine. Holding my weak wrists firmly in his overpowered hands he slowly grazed my wounds with a gauze I sucked my teeth in distress but he massaged my palm gently erging me to release he hummed gently seaming to be unfazed but I knew deep down deep in his heart he was in distress and his thoughts were desperately racing for an answer on why I did this. But there is no why. There is no person who inflicted this harm. I dug myself into this hole now I'm letting someone pull me out. God I'm pathetic.
I quietly occupied myself with these thoughts as the man I love digs himself down to my level of self centered torture is siround myself with in an attempt to be helped knowing I was far beyond anyones grave. I was barely in earshot for a call for help.

I'm so sorry this is short I'm currently moving into a new house and I'm stressing alot please tell me if this is hitting the target audience in the coments section and what you thought of my chapters so far. Please keep requesting my Snapchat is still open as mikesuggestions so please feel free to give any suggestions to continue this. Criticism is welcome. Longer paragraphs will be out shortly. Love you all - Mike xoxo

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