Ask 4

24 1 10

To Skelly: Do you like cats? (Since you don't like wolves for obvious reasons


Skelly: I dunno... I hang out with Creeper and Phantom a lot... and I grew a grudge against them...

But wolves are honestly quite cute if you watch from afar.

From a distance.

Wither: WTF Skelly you like wolves?

EnderPlayer375: They're cute-

Skelly: Yea, they're kinda cute...

Wither: That's just scary.

Skelly: Why is it scary?

Wither: Because they all try to kill you.

Skelly: And we kill them too.

Wither: Oh, yeah... but they can still kill you...

Skelly: It's fine...

Wither: No it isn't.


Skelly: Fuck off.

Ghast: Fuck Wither.

Skelly: Demonstrate by fucking Ender.

Ghast: Oh... BYE!

Skelly: *Laughs* Bye everyone, stay happy, healthy and safe!

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