The Beginning!

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Editor's note: Sun and Moon are separate animatronics who are both possessed by children, they both have their actual names, but they perfer to go by sun and moon which are short for Sundrop and Moondrop, they are also brothers.

It was Night time and Moon was looking out the window at all of the stars. "Sun! Look! the stars are all so pretty!" Moon said. Sun immediately ran over to go look and replied with "Yeah! they are!" They loved hanging out together, but then Moon heard something outside, it kind of sounded like.. crying? "Do you hear that, Sun?" Moon asked "Yeah, i hear crying.." Sun replied, they then ran outside to look for the source of the crying when they see a baby with black and white hair wrapped up in a blanket.. Moon immediately ran to pick up the baby and brought it inside, it was a female and she looked pale.. Moon didn't really know what to do as he was just a kid, but he put the baby on a soft couch in the Daycare, Sun just stood there in shock, processing all of this. Moon stayed with the baby to make sure she was comfortable and safe.

 Moon didn't know if the baby had a name and if she did, he didn't know what it was, so he decided to name her 'Becca' Moon thought the name fit her very well and he liked it so he went with it. Sun helped Moon with the baby when he needed it. even though they are Daycare attendants, they still didn't really know how to take care of a baby, but they did know how to take care of young kids and toddlers so they took what they knew, and used it all with even more care since this was a baby. They didn't think a Daycare was the best place for a baby to live, but they didn't have anywhere else to go so that's what they stuck with. Sun and Moon's lives changed a little since they had to work together to take care of a baby, but they had no troubles, they found it pretty easy taking care of Becca and of course as Becca got older things got easier and easier for Sun and Moon.

Will things change even more? Will Sun and Moon meet others? only time can tell..

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