The bad becomes good..?

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(Editor's note: This is the only part where Becca has not aged up yet.)

Moon, Sun, and Becca were all hanging out together making funny faces and other funny stuff on the couch while Eclipse was in the corner, he was thinking about being friends with the others but he thought they wouldn't approve because he tried to kill them. Eclipse thought for a while alone while the others kept doing funny stuff and laughing together, he decided to just slowly try to hang out with them and do fun stuff together with them. So while Sun, Moon, and Becca were hanging out, Eclipse got up and slowly walked over to them "Hey.. Can I hang out with you guys..?" Moon hesitated at first, he thought Eclipse was planning something so he didn't want to answer. "Sure! you can, Sir!" Becca moved over and gestured to Eclipse to come sit. Eclipse was happy that Becca was allowing him to sit next to her, especially since he's a big, tall animatronic. He went to sit down and joined in on what everyone was doing, he noticed Sun and Moon whispering to each other and he could tell it was about him, but he didn't let that bother him. Becca gave Eclipse a hug when he said he was gonna go back over to his corner. He was happy that he got a hug since he hasn't gotten a hug before and teleported back over to his corner.

Becca had a feeling that Eclipse would eventually have a big part in the family, but she didn't know what exactly that part would be if what she thinks is true. Becca started hanging out with Eclipse more, she wanted to help him be a good person instead of a bad person. She would start playing with toys with him, she would show him funny stuff, she would do all kinds of different fun stuff with Eclipse, and he would always enjoy it. Eclipse was still hiding a secret from them, but he was becoming more and more comfortable with them. Maybe soon he will share the secret with them..

Moon and Sun were confused on why Becca wanted to spend time with Eclipse, so during a time where Becca was doing something by herself, Moon went up to her to question her on why she wants to spend time with Eclipse. "Becca, why do you like spending time with Eclipse?" "Because.. He's been nice to me! and I wanna be his friend!" "But Becca.. he tried to hurt me and my brother.." "I know! but.. there's something about him.. I don't know what it is! but i feel like he wants to be nice to us! "I'm not so sure about that Becca.." Becca got mad after Moon said that, she stormed off and went outside. Eclipse saw the whole thing happen and ran outside to comfort Becca. Moon saw this and realized he was in the wrong. he felt bad after this happened and went to his room. Sun was already in his room and he ended up falling asleep while cleaning his room. Becca was crying outside and Eclipse was trying to calm her down but he didn't really know how to since he was an animatronic but Becca still calmed down with the help of Eclipse.

Eclipse was happy that he was able to help, he finally felt like he was needed by someone. Maybe someday the others will want him as a friend.

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