The end.

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Everyone was hanging out together having a good time as a family. They were all playing a game together! The game they were playing was Red light Green light, and they all took turns being the person who would say 'Red light' or 'Green light' This turn was Eclipse's so he turned to face the wall away from the others, and Sun, Moon, Becca, and even Vanny and Evan all lined up. The first person to make it to Eclipse first was going to be the winner. Everyone was ready and thats when Eclipse spoke. "Green light!" Everyone started running to Eclipse, then Eclipse said "Red light!" And turned to face everyone, it was a bit hard but everyone stopped except for Sun, it was a little harder for him to stop. Sun got out and then Eclipse turned away from everyone again and then said "Green light!"

Then everyone except for Sun started running again towards Eclipse. Eclipse let them run for enough time before turning around back to face the others and said "Red light!" So far, Vanny was in the lead but Moon was right behind her. Evan was even closer to Vanny than Moon was, and Becca was falling behind. Eclipse turned to face away from everyone once again. "Green light!"
They all started running once again. Sun was sitting down drinking some water while watching them run towards Eclipse. The game went on for a while before Evan ended up winning. Becca wanted to win but she was still happy than Evan won. During all of this, Twilight was out at the mall getting lava lamps for everyone.

Twilight eventually came back and surprised Eclipse with an orange lava lamp, Moon with a blue one, Sun with a yellow one, Vanny with a red one, Becca with a white one, and Evan with a black one! Twilight also got herself an orange one. Everyone thanked Twilight and then went to put their lava lamps away Vanny and Evan decided to stay home so they said goodbye to everyone, Vanny hugged Eclipse, and then they left. Twilight and Becca hung out together and then decided to leave to harass Karens and commit arson together. Moon and Eclipse talked for a while then Eclipse gave moon a small kiss on the cheek and then went over to his computer to play Minecraft and probably rage and throw his computer. Moon then decided to hang out with Sun, his brother, since he hasn't just hung out with him in a while and Sun was happy about getting to spend time with Moon.

Then Night came, Sun, Becca, and Twilight all went to bed and Moon and Eclipse went outside to look at the moon for a little as it was Moon's favorite thing to do at night. "It's me!" Eclipse giggled a little after Moon said that "Yes, my love, it is you." Moon smiled happily and hugged Eclipse while Eclipse hugged him back and gave him a small little head kiss. After a while, they went back inside and decided to go to bed themselves, Moon went into his little room, and Eclipse just slept on one of the couches in the daycare near the couch that Twilight was sleeping on, Becca was sleeping on another couch, and Sun was sleeping in his room.

The End.

(This was honestly a bit harder for me to make than the others bc I had to make this one on my phone while the others I made on my laptop- but I hope you all enjoyed this story, I would've added more chapters before the end but I just had no more ideas. And remember, this story is based off of a shared au with me and my gf, so please no hate against it. Thank you all for reading and Goodbye!)

(644 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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