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(If you could tell I was making Becca a little older every part then good job! but now she's gonna stay the same age for the rest of the story.)

Becca started looking for a job and found a job as a security guard, her first day is two days from now. "Dad! Father! I got a job!" "Good job, Becca!" After Moon said that, Becca hugged him and Eclipse. Even though Eclipse didn't say anything, he was still proud of Becca. Eclipse has been thinking about adopting a child to surprise Moon and Becca, but he wanted to ask Becca first if she was fine with Eclipse adopting another child. "Hey Becca, can I talk to you about something?" "Sure Father!" Eclipse took Becca to his corner away from Moon. "How would you like a sibling? I wanna adopt a kid to surprise Moon, but I wanted to ask you first in case you didn't want a sibling." "Oh, I'm fine with it! I wanna help a kid get a family. I don't like seeing kids with no family because they don't deserve to be alone like that." "I agree, do you wanna come with me?" "Sure." Eclipse was glad that Becca was fine with a sibling.

"Moon! we'll be back, Becca wants to come with me to run an errand." "Ok, be safe you two!" "We will dad, Love you!" "Love you too!" Eclipse and Becca left to go to the adoption center. They looked around and saw the perfect kid to adopt. A young 14/15 year old girl with long orange hair and orange eyes. the same as Eclipse's hair and eye color but they aren't related. She looked shy and had on a shirt with oversized sleeves and it seems she bites her sleeve a lot, maybe due to anxiety. As soon as Becca saw her she wanted her to be her sibling. "Father, can we please adopt her? She's perfect!" "Yeah, we can. Let's go talk to the lady who works here first." "ok!" Eclipse took Becca to the lady working there. the young girl saw them walk away from her and thought they weren't going to adopt them because of her eyes. She didn't see Eclipse have the same eye color.

"Hello, How may I assist you today?" "We would like to adopt that young girl over there with the orange hair and eyes." Becca nodded in agreement just so she was part of the conversation. "Really? I've never seen anyone want her before.. Nobody ever wants her because of her eyes." "Well I see no problem with her eyes." "Well, have you gotten a good look at them? they're an unnatural shade of orange!" "Yes, I saw them clearly and I think their beautiful." "Well.. how about you go look at all the other kids you could adopt instead and then come back here, just so you know your final decision. After the lady said that, Eclipse was angry. he slammed his hand down on the desk. "Listen here. either you let me adopt that young girl. Or I go talk to your boss about you being rude to this girl just because of her eye color. What is wrong with you?!" "Father, Calm down." Becca hugged Eclipse to try to calm him down "Fine! Fill out this sheet. I doubt you'll keep her long anyway. She'll be sent right back here." "No. She won't."

Eclipse filled out the sheet and went to go get the girl. Becca showed the lady the middle finger, then followed Eclipse. "Hey, do you wanna come home with us?" Eclipse smiled. The girl was confused on why these people wanted to adopt her, but then she saw Eclipse's eyes. "You have.. the same eyes.." "Yeah, I do!" Eclipse smiled the girl smiled as well "So.. May I ask what your name is?" "Oh, my name is Twilight." "That's a pretty name! I'm Eclipse, and this is your older sister, Becca!" "You both have good names.." "Thank you Twilight. Ready to go home?" "Yeah" "Ok, just to let you know though, we live in a daycare-" "Really? That's cool." "Yeah, you could say that." Eclipse then takes Becca and Twilight home to the daycare. Eclipse told Twilight to stay behind him so they can surprise Moon. "Moon! me and Becca have a surprise for you!" "hm?" Twilight comes out from hiding behind Eclipse but still stays close to Eclipse. Twilight waves at Moon. "I'm Twilight.." Moon gets excited "Hi! I'm Moon. Your new dad!" "But.. isn't he my dad..?" "Oh, yeah. We're both your dad. to make it easier, you can call me 'dad', and you can call Eclipse 'Father'" "oh.. ok..!" Both Moon and Eclipse both understand that Twilight is shy and they'll work together to help her feel more at home here.


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