A Crush..?

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Moon started getting a crush on Eclipse, but he wasn't going to tell him that! Moon kinda just stayed away from Eclipse for a bit. Eclipse was confused and did go ask Moon why he was staying away from him, but Moon just froze and then ran away.  Now Eclipse was very confused.. Why was Moon acting this way? He didn't know that Moon has a crush on him so he didn't try asking him that. Eclipse just let Moon do what he wanted and didn't bother him. 

This went on for a while and during the time that Moon stayed away from him, Eclipse started getting a crush on Moon as well! But of course Moon didn't know that! and Eclipse still didn't know that Moon has a crush on him! That is until Moon finally decided to go up to Eclipse to tell him, when Moon went up to him, Eclipse started to feel a bit anxious but he hid it. "Eclipse, I need to tell you something.." "I need to tell you something as well." "Oh.. Well, I have a-" "Crush on me?" Eclipse cut Moon off, he could tell Moon had a crush on him when Moon blushed when Eclipse first went into soul form and Moon started blushing when he was telling Eclipse he has a crush on him and it was very obvious. "Y-Yeah..-" "I do too, I know how you feel right now." Moon blushed again when Eclipse said that and he hid his face with his arm. "Don't cover your face.. It's cute when you blush.." After Eclipse said that, he moved Moon's arm down and Moon just hugged him.

Becca was recording the whole time, getting this moment on camera. Sun was watching as Becca kept recording but Eclipse and Moon weren't paying attention. Eclipse gave Moon a little mwa on the cheek and Moon just smiled. he was happy that this was happening Becca was just happy she was getting all of this on camera and Sun just passed out for literally no reason, maybe he was too excited that Moon found someone to love or something. Becca saw Sun unconscious and dragged him by his feet into his room and didn't even bother trying to get him in his bed so Sun was just unconscious on the floor in his room where there are lots of toys, drawings, and other fun stuff.

(Btw, Becca is around 14/15 by now.)

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