Chapter 4: Strings of the Puppeteer

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The opulent office of the record label was adorned with gold and platinum records, a testament to the success of its artists. But behind the polished desk sat a man who was the true power behind the throne. Silco, the owner of the record label, was a man of sharp features and even sharper instincts. His cold, calculating eyes missed nothing, and his reputation for ruthlessness was legendary.

Ahri, the leader of K/DA, had been summoned to his office. As she entered, she felt a familiar wave of unease. She had known Silco since she was a child, a singing sensation plucked from obscurity by the mogul. But over the years, she had come to realize the price of that fame.

"Ahri," Silco said, his voice dripping with faux warmth. "Always a pleasure. How's our star doing?"

Ahri forced a smile, her fox-like features betraying nothing of her inner turmoil. "I'm here to discuss the terms of our contract, Mr. Silco. The girls and I have been working hard, and we believe we deserve a better deal."

Silco leaned back, steepling his fingers. "Ahri, my dear, you've always been so ambitious. But you forget your place. You owe everything to me."

Akali, who had accompanied Ahri for moral support, bristled at his words. She had heard stories about Silco, but seeing his manipulative tactics first-hand was chilling.

Ahri took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "We're grateful for the opportunities you've given us, but we also know our worth. We want a fair share of the profits."

Silco's eyes narrowed. "You're in no position to make demands, Ahri. Remember, I made you. And I can break you."

Ahri's eyes flashed with defiance, but before she could retort, Akali stepped in. "We're not here to fight, Silco. We just want what's fair."

Silco smirked. "Tell me, Akali, do you know how this industry works? Do you know the sacrifices it demands?"

Akali met his gaze unflinchingly. "I'm learning."

Silco chuckled, a cold, humorless sound. "You have no idea. But you will. Soon enough."

As the two women left the office, the weight of their situation pressed down on them. Akali could see the strain on Ahri's face, the years of dealing with Silco taking their toll.

"What did he mean by that?" Akali asked.

Ahri shook her head quickly. "Just let me deal with him from now on, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

"We need to get out," Akali whispered, her voice filled with urgency. "He's toxic. He'll destroy us."

Ahri nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and fear. "I know. But breaking free won't be easy. He has his claws in deep."

Akali clenched her fists, her resolve strengthening. "Then we'll just have to fight harder."

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