summer loving

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Reagan sits beside Ian as he lays down in his bed. He had been busy lately, so the two hadn't been able to spend time together. "525 freckles." Reagan says and draws a line with her finger on her brother's face. "525?" Ian asks curiously. Reagan puts her other hand on his mouth. "530 now!".

Ian looks at her and sighs. "I'm sorry we can't do anything for your birthday.". Reagan smiles and says, "it's okay". she crosses her legs and folds her hands in her lap. "No, it isn't okay. Carl gets to go out and you can't  even get a present.".

"We can't afford it. It's alright, Ian." Reagan says, insisting. "I just want to talk to you. That's all I want for my birthday.". Her brother shoots her a smile and she continues to count his freckles.

"How about hot chocolate?" Reagan offers. Ian never liked hot chocolate, but he accepts the offer and Reagan hurries downstairs.

She walks past Debbie and climbs onto the counter. Reagan grabs a hot chocolate packet and turns on the stove before hoping back down to the floor. "Don't forget to boil the water this time Reagan!" Debbie says.

Reagan watches her sister sit at the table and she turns back to the hot surface. "nobody would care if you died" her mother's voice echoes in her head. She slowly reaches her hand out and places it onto the stove. Reagan closes her eyes and sighs as she feels her hand getting hotter by the second.

"What the hell Reagan!" Debbie yells and pulls her away. The young girl stared at her without an answer, but it didn't take long before Ian was at the bottom of the staircase.

"What happened?" he asks concerned. Reagan's hand was burned and she wasn't crying. "are you alright?" Ian asks.

Debbie scoffs and says, "She's insane! Reagan put her hand on the stove on purpose!". Her older brother scowls at her and says, "you've never cared about anyone except yourself!".

Ian grabs a packet of gauze and runs his sister's hand under cold water. "You're letting me make the hot chocolate next time." Ian says, trying to lighten the mood. He applies aloe vera onto her hand and wraps it with the gauze.

"I'm sorry" Reagan says. "I wasn't thinking. Everything was... like... hazy.". Ian hugs her and says, "you didn't do anything wrong, Rae.".

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Hey Mickey" Reagan says and walks past the counter that Ian's standing behind. She asks her brother, "Can i get off early? I picked up a shift at the Alibi.".

Ian looks confused. Lip overhears while he's throwing boxes of drinks into the ice cream truck and asks, "Aren't you a little young to be working at the Alibi?". Reagan rolls her eyes and says, "I'm not drinking! I just turned 14.". Her brother gives her permission and she grabs her things and heads to the Alibi Bar.

Everyone had noticed that Reagan had been different since Monica came back, but Fiona still treated her the same. Reagan wanted everything to go back to how it was a few months before. Her family was moving on like usual and Reagan was getting worse.

"Hey, Kev" the girl says shyly. She wasn't close with Veronica like her siblings were, but Kev looked after her. "What can I do?". Kev points to a man and says, "he says he came to Chicago looking for his twins. Apparently his baby momma left after they were born.".

Reagan heads over to the shaggy haired man. He gives her a smile and she asks, "could I help you?". He had the same eye color as Carl. "Aren't you a little young to be working here?".

"I'm fourteen, sir." she tells the man. Sure, maybe a little too young to be working at a bar. "My kids are your age. It would be a shame to see my daughter working here.".

Reagan smiles and shakes her head. She asks, "What's your daughter's name?". Stupid! Kash told her to never get involved with customer's personal lives. "I'm not exactly sure. My son and daughter were taken by their mom after they were born.". The man seems either drunk..., or very desperate to find his children. "I do know that they both share the last name Gallagher.".

Gallagher. Oh, okay! There's probably other Gallagher twins in Chicago..., somewhere.

"I'll be right back, sir." Reagan says and walks into the back room. She saw Frank walk over to talk the man and she pours a shot of vodka for herself.

SHE DIES IN THE END // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now