Chapter 2

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    Honk! Honk! Did I mention Sarah is an impatient person. She honked the horn over and over until I walked out the door. "Come on! You are so slow!" she yelled.

  I walked over to her hot pink porshe convertible. Yep! You read that right. A freaking porshe. Sarah's parents own the Hershery corporation. She pretty much gets anything she wants and has never had to work a day in her life. "Sorry, I couldn't find my cellphone.

" You are always losing your cellphone."

" Yeah! I know. It's so frustrating. I always..."

" Is that what you are wearing?" she interrrupted me annoyed.

" Yeah. What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked looking down at my pink tank top, daisy duke shorts and flip flops.

"Everything. Just get in." she said rolling her eyes.

  Sarah was very big into fashion. To her my t-shirt and shorts style was outdated. I don't wear anything too fancy. I would rather be comfortable instead of the center of attention.

  Once we got to the mall we went to a couple of stores and then hit our favorite store, Forever 21, last. They had a lot of cute bathing suits, but none jumped out. After twenty minutes of searching,trying on and searching again. I finally found it. It is black with neon colored paint splatters. I loved it and a for a bonus, it was on sale. I looked around and found the clearance rack. They always had good items on the clearance racks. I think I looked at everything in the store like 3 times before Sarah finally picked out a bikini. Hers was white with blue and hot pink polka dots. I don't understand how it takes her so long to find an outift. She would make a burlap sack look amazing. She draws the attention of every guy and every girl envies her. Blonde hair, blue jean colored eyes, and really tan skin. I got so used to random people hitting on her that it was a normal thing. "Now that you are finally done can we grab a bite to eat? I'm starving"

" Sure. Then afterwards we.."

" Hey there beautiful. The name is Zak Buchanan. We should hook up." he said walking up to us looking right at Sarah.

" Hi there Zak Buchanan, she said looking him up and down. Making sure he was just what she wanted. It's a date. Here's my number," she said handing it to him. " You can call or text me anytime. Oh! We are going to the beach after we eat. You can meet us there at 3."

"Cool. See ya there," he retorted walking away smiling.

" Sorry. Time to eat," Sarah said.

 We linked arms and went to find some grub. Secretly I was jealous. Guys didn't just pop out of thin air for me. I was a brunette with emerald colored eyes, no fashion sense and tan skin. Who would ever want plain old me?

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