Chapter 16

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   " If you find or have any other information miss, don't hesitate to give us a call," the police officer said  handing me his card.

" I will. Thank you so much officer," I replied. He turned and headed out the door. As soon as the officer left the house went quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Looking around, I realized that I had a lot of work to do tomorrow. The sliding door that lead outside opened and Jake walked inside, his face full of anger. " What's wrong Jake?" I asked searching his face for an answer.

  Not saying a word, he walked past me and to the bathroom. He slammed the door making me flinch. I stepped towards the bathroom, but pulled my foot back. The back of my throat tightened as tears welled up in my eyes. I needed to be some where other than here.I needed someone to talk to. I ran out the back door into the cool night air. The soft sand sunk beneath me as I pushed my quads to the max. Hitting the water's edge, I stumble. Falling quickly to the ground, my knee hits a broken seashell, slicing it open. I scream out in agony and let all my heartache filled tears flow down my cheeks.

 Staring up to the starry sky, I say," Daddy. I miss you. Today was a crazy day. Got to meet Jake's parents. You would have loved them. Had some great food cooked by a famous person. When I came home someone had broken into my home and took the special pocket knife you gave me for my birthday. Daddy, I completely broke down. I lost it. Then Jake came in and comforted me. You would like him daddy. He really is a great guy and I'm falling in love with him. I just wish that you were here to protect me if he breaks my heart."

" I will never break your heart Andi." Jake interrupted. Startling me, I turned around and noticed he was only a couple of feet away from me, with tears in his eyes.

" I thought you were mad at me." I said while trying to get up. My body drained of energy, from crying.

" I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself. If I hadn't asked you to go to the BBQ with me, you could have gotten hurt or worse even killed and it would have been all my fault."

" Jake none of this is your fault," I say walking to him. " Nobody knew that any of this was going to happen."

" I know, but if anything was to happen to you, I don't know what I would do. I am in love with you and have been since the moment I met you."

My heart skipped beats as his words sunk in. " Really, because I feel the same way. I was scared to tell you because of what I told you about my family."

" I love you for you Andi. It doesn't matter to me where you came from. I love you."

" I love you too Jake," I said as a cold chill ran through up my spine.

" Now, let's get you back inside," he said grabbing my hand. We walked hand in hand back to my house in silence.

    Jake had decided to stay the night just in case the robber decided to come back. I hopped in the shower, letting the hot water run down my back. Closing my eyes, I let my muscles relax. I pictured myself in a field full of wildflowers, the smell of lavendar floating through the air as the sunshine warmed my core. My sundress flowing in the breeze as I ran carelessly through the field to my one true love. Just as we are about to touch a cold hand fell upon my shoulder.

My eyes jolt open as I see my Herbal Essence shampoo bottle in front of me. Turning the water off, I took a deep breath and got out. I hadn't done my laundry so all I had to wear was my silky white night gown. Walking out into the living room, Jake's jaw dropped. His chocolate eyes scanned my body from my  head to my toes and back up as his tongue slide across his luscious lips. Redness flooded my cheeks. " Come here Andi-bug," he said softly.

I slowly walked over to the couch and cuddled up with him. His embrace warm and comforting. "You look stunning by the way," he whispered in my ear. He warm wet lips, caressed my neck sending electric chills down my body.

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