Chapter 18

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   I want to dedicate this to ButterflyKisses4You. She made me an amazing banner that captures my characters perfectly. Thanks so much!

    Pulling up to the emergency room, I jumped out of the car as soon as I slammed it into park. Rushing over to Jake's side of the car, adrenaline was the only thing making my wobbly legs function. Opening the door, fear overwhelmed my face, as I took in his ghastly appearance.  Face as white as sheets hanging out on the line to dry, eyes with not even the slightest hint of sparkle. He struggled to keep his eyes open. Turning my gaze to his hand I gasped. The once white shirt, was now soaked with his crimson red blood.

  My body went into an adrenaline induced coma. I felt as if I had floated above my body, as I watched my other half, named instinct, take over. Getting Jake out of the car felt impossible, but my adreanline induced strength took over. It was a life or death situation. Jake had lost too much blood already.

  Wrapping his good arm around my shoulders, I slowly manuvered him towards the doors. I felt as if I was carrying a nine hundred ton weight. Each step we took was more agonzing than the last. Sharp pains were slowly creeping into my legs as we reached the entrance. 

   Just as we are about to sit down Jake passes out. I try with all my might to hold him up right, but the ground comes closer and quicker than I thought. He hits the ground hard, as he lands on his back. Dropping to my knees, I place my fingers on his neck. There is no heart beat.

  "HELP! Someone please help!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Tears blurring my vision and sliding down my cheeks.

Two EMT's rushed to my side, asking me question after question. Each one blurring into the next. One of the EMT's must have noticed the confusion written on my face, for he yelled at a young female nurse to take me away.

Sitting in the waiting room, I tried to be as patient as I could. For the past what seemed like an hour, my heart had been filling with dread. I prayed to my father to keep Jake alive.

" Miss Jenkins," said a small redheaded female nurse." You can see him now."

I ripped my purse from the cold linoleum floor and walked quickly to the nurse.

" He is in room 106," she said in a sweet angelic voice.

" Thank you," I replied back as I turned away to find his room.

Walking down the hall, it felt as if it got longer and longer. I was never going to make it to him. Room 102. Room 104. Room 106. Before walking in, I took a deep breath, hoping it would calm me down.

Stepping into the room, I found his beautiful eyes staring at me. " Jake," I whisper, as I run over into his arms. I never wanted to let go. I was in love with Jake and nothing could change that.

He pulled away from our embrace and said," I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong."

" If I didn't throw my fist through that window we wouldn't be here. I just got really angry because I know there is someone out there that is trying to hurt you. It makes me shake with rage the more I think about it."

" Well don't think about it. I am here with you now. How is your hand?" I asked directing the conversation to something else.

" It hurts, but I will be fine. The doctor said that I was very lucky. If you wouldn't have noticed that I was bleeding, I could have died."

" How did you not know that you were cut? Didn't you feel it?" I asked my face filled with horror at the thought of him dieing.

 "As I was bringing my hand out of the window, my wrist slide across and piece of the window glass that was still attached. I didn't feel it because I was filled with so much rage. I'm really sorry."

With My Last Breath(Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now