Chapter 10

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     Opening my eyes, I realized I was still on the couch. The smell of bacon and eggs filled the air, awakening my senses. Sitting up, I stretched and stared at the clock. I couldn't believe I was up this early. I was thankful it was my day off. There was no way I could deal with customers as tired as I was. Walking into the kitchen, Jake turned around and smiled. "Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" he asked with a huge grin on his face.

    Why was he grinning so big? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I hope I didn't snore, or worse say something embarassing in my sleep. Ever since I met Jake I have been dreaming about him. The dreams get pretty steamy and hot. Freaking out, I calmly reply," I slept well. Why do you ask?" I prayed and hoped he didn't say anything about me talking in my sleep.

 "Just curious and in case your wondering I slept rather well." Where were my manners. I should have been more concerned about how he slept. He was my guest. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry Jake. I'm glad you slept well. What do you have planned today?" I asked hoping we could spend the day together.

 " Well... my mom called and asked if I could help her move some stuff today. I'm sorry, but after I'm done I can come over." Deep down I was really bummed, but I was happy to see that he was going to help his mother.

"Yea that's cool. I have some cleaning to get done around here." He put some bacon and eggs on my plate and we sat down at the table.

" This smells so appetizing. I didn't know you knew how to cook,"  I said taking my first bite. The flavors engulfed my tongue, sending my taste buds into a frenzy, making me want more. The bacon was extra cripsy, exactly the way I liked it and the eggs were fluffed to perfection. He smiled and said," Well, my parents are out of town a lot on business, so instead of having a maid do it for me all my life, I decided to learn how to cook."

I just stared at him, wondering if he was an angel that had fallen from heaven. We finished breakfast and it was that inevitable time again. He had to leave. When he left, I felt lost and alone. I walked him to the door. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. " I will be back later. I promise." I smiled and shook my head yes. I stood on my tip toes and kissed his tender lips. As I was pulling away, he pushed his lips hard against mine, showing he wanted more. Giving in I ran my hands along his chest, slowly making my way to his belt. I let my hand linger on his belt while he teased me with his tongue. Just as I was about to undo his belt, I felt his hand on mine pulling it  back up to his chest. " I don't think so little lady," he said smiling and pulling away. I blushed as I stared deep into his eyes. " See you later Andi bear."

" Later Jakie," I said watching him walk to his car. I was falling for him and fast. I never wanted to catch myself. Everything was going great. Closing the door, I was more than excited inside. I couldn't believe Jake had stayed the night with me. I laid in his arms all night and it was perfect. I stopped, hearing Bruno Mars singing from my bedroom. Realizing it was my phone, I ran into my bedroom and answered, "Hello."

 " Hello. Is this Andrea Jenkins?"

" This is her. Can I ask who's calling?" I asked concern covering my face.

" This is Dylan from the Frankiln mental institution. I need you to come in as soon as possible. It's about your mother."

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