Chapter 7

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      As soon as I got home I took a shower and got ready for my date. I was really tired. After I got out of the shower I laid down on the couch. I looked at the clock and noticed that I had an hour till Jake got here. My eyelids felt heavy. No matter how hard I fought to keep them open they closed and I drifted into sleep. I awoke to someone touching my knee. When I opened my eyes Sarah was standing in front of me. "Sarah what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

" I need your help. Zak won't leave me alone. He is constantly calling me. Everytime I turn around he is there," she said looking at me with with tears forming in her eyes. Then I noticed it. Her right eye was black and blue."Oh my gosh Sarah what happened?" I asked concerned.

" I fell down the stairs," she said looking away.

" Did he hit you? I swear I will beat his ass and then kill him. Where is he?" I asked my adrenaline running through me.

" I'n not supposed to be talking to you. He..." she stopped in mid-sentence and took off out the front door. I heard footsteps coming from the back door. I got off the couch and slowly peeked around the corner to the back door. "Hello Andrea. Where's Sarah?" he asked from behind me. I jumped a little, but regained my composure. I didn't want him to feed off of my fear.

" She isn't here. Did you hit her? I swear if you hit her I'm going to..." SLAP!!!  My left cheek started tingling and heat started to spread across my face. " I'm not going to ask you again. Where in the hell is she?" he asked through clenched teeth.

I didn't say anything and it pissed him off even more. He pushed me as hard as he could. Losing my balance I fell into the wall with a thud. The wind was knocked out of me instantly and I fell to my knees. I tried to scream at him, but nothing came out. " Tell me where she is." he screamed at me. 

" Over my dead body," I meekly said. His face turned red and he was shaking with rage. He kicked me in the stomach and I doubled over. Sharp pains shot through my body. He kicked me over and over.. With each kick the vomit slowly crawled its way up my throat. " Now where is she?" he asked pulling out a gun and aiming at my head.

I knew this was the end. I looked up into his rage filled eyes and said," Never," I said weakly. He cocked it and pulled. Bang! Bang! Bang!

 I jolted awake, looking around for Zak. He was nowhere to be found. Taking deep breaths, I realized I didn't have any sharp pains. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. I sighed and relaxed. Knock! Knock! I jumped out of my skin. Looking at the clock I realized it was Jake picking me up. I walked over and answered the door. " Hey beautiful," he said smiling at me. His smile faded instantly. " Are you okay? You are awfully pale?" he asked concerened.

" I'm fine. I just accidently fell asleep and I had an awful nightmare, but I don't really want to talk about it." I said embarassed.

" Okay. Do you need some time to get ready?"

" I just need to splash some cold water on my face. You can come in," I replied while turning around and heading to the bathroom.

He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He took a quick glance around and said," This is a cute little place you got here."

" Thanks. I picked it becasue it's next to the beach and the beach is my home," I retorted walking out of the bathroom. "Alright, I'm ready." Walking out the door I noticed he had a different car. It was a blue mustang converible. "Where's your charger?" I asked suprised.

" This is my dad's. I figured it would be easier to watch the movie. I even brought blankets, just in case it gets cold."

When I opened the door, in my seat lie a yellow rose with white and yellow ribbon wrapped around the stem. I was absolutely speechless. I looked over at him and smiled. I was falling for him and hard. I picked up my rose and climbed in and we were on our way.

      At the drive-in we found a great spot. You know how sometimes you go to a drive-in and it always seems like you park next to a bunch of screaming kids or a car fun of drunk teenagers, well luckily we didn't have either. I was so thankful. Jake excused himself to get some popcorn and sodas. While he was away I checked my appearance. My eyeliner was smudged on one side. I fixed it and then reapplied my strawberry-kiwi lip gloss. When he got back he had a huge smile on his face. " What are you so happy for?" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing. Just glad you decided to come," he said setting down the drink and getting into the car.

We pushed the front seats up as far as they would go and sat in the back seat. There was a lot more room. Just before the movie started a car pulled up next to ours blaring loud music. Oh great and I thought that it was going to be quiet. I looked over there was Sarah. " Hey Sarah!" I yelled. She looked over at me and yelled back," Andrea!!! Oh my gosh I had no idea you were going to be here."

" Are you here alone?" As I was asking,Zak's head popped up from her lap smiling. My face turned white. The dream I had pushed to the back of my mind, was forcing it's way to the front. Inside I was freaking, but I kept my composure. " What are you guys doing here?"

She didn't say anything and just pointed to Jake. I looked at him and he was smiling. " You invited them?"

" Yea I thought it would be nice to have a double date and afterwards we can go grab something to eat." 

" I think that is a wonderful idea," I replied as the movie was starting.

     In the middle of the movie I started getting chilly. I rubbed my hands on my arms trying to warm up. Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me into his side. He  got out a blanket and covered me up. I lay my head on his shoulder and held onto his hand. Everything was perfect. After the second movie they had an intermission. I excused myself to go the little girl's room. I looked over and Sarah and Zak were making out in the back seat. I rolled my eyes and kept going.  Being away from Jake's embrace was awful. I was freezing and couldn't wait to get back to him. On the way back to the car I ran into Zak. "Oopps! Sorry! I'm just trying to get back to the car where it is warm. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going."

He didn't say anything and just kept walking. I hopped back into the car, cuddled back up with Jake, and tried to get warm. " My goodness your freezing," he said wrapping his arms around me.

I warmed up pretty quick and before I knew it I was asleep. I awoke to Jake's voice." Hey Andi. Wake up. The movie is over."

I realized I had fallen asleep. " I am so sorry Jake. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

" It's okay. You looked peaceful so I didn't want to disturb you. You still want to grab a bite to eat?"

"Yea I don't want to disappoint and I'm hungry."  We climbed back into the front seat and went to grab some food.

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