Chapter 4

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   Sitting up, I looked to the setting sun. Beautiful yellows and oranges blending together and leaking down into the dark blue ocean. I look at my watch. Wow! 6:30 already. Where has the day gone. Looking around the beach I realize I am the only one left. Sarah and Zak left an hour after we arrived. Let's just say that they couldn't keep their hands off each other. I stand up and stretch.Letting my muscles loosen up and relax. As I pick up my towel and grab my beach bag, I look at Jacob's number on my hand. I reach into my bag and grab my iphone. I  stand there just staring at the screen, thinking what if he doesn't reply back? What if it was just a game between his friends to see who could get the ugly girl to go on a date with them? So many what ifs run through my brain. I sigh, put my phone back in my bag and look to the horizon one more time before heading back home to take a shower.

   The feel of the hot water running down my back, relaxs my muscles and clears my cluttered mind.  I take a glance at my hand and turn away. Maybe he wasn't lying. Maybe he was really into me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and continued to shower. No matter how hard I tried,  I caught myself looking at his number. I quickly finished up and slipped into a  comfortable pair of bright yellow shorts and a white tank top. I went into the living room and got my beach bag. I got my iphone and sat down on the couch. While I'm typing in Jacobs number, my heart is about to burst out of my chest. I stare at the screen realizing I have no idea what to say. Hey Jacob Giddian. You hit me in the head with a frisbee at the beach. No! Ummm... Hi Jacob you owe me a pair of sunglasses. LOL! Come on Andrea you can think of something better. Finally I stopped thinking and just let my thumbs do the work. Hi, it's Andrea Jenkins. We met at the beach.Remember? I hit the send button. Now all I had to do was wait. My phone vibrated and I almost dropped it. Looking at the screen I realized I got a reply. " How could I forgot those beautiful emerald green eyes. Can I call you?" My hands were shaking so bad that it took me forever to text back "Sure." Not even two seconds after I sent it, my phone started ringing. I take a deep breath and answered. "Hello," I said meekly.

"Hello Andrea. I'm glad you decided to get a hold of me."

"Really. I'm glad you answered me back," I said giggling.

"Really? Are you doing anything tonight? If not I was wondering if I could take you to dinner?"

I couldn't believe he was asking me to dinner. " Yes I would love to go."

"Cool. I will pick you up at 8. Wear something nice."

"Okay." I gave him my address and hung up the phone. Oh my gosh! I had a date with like the hottest guy on the planet. I started jumping up and down and then stopped. Oh crap! I had no idea what I was going to wear. I tried on so many outfits, but none of them stood out. It was fifteen till 8 and I finally decided on my white sundress with black ballet flats. I hardly ever wear makeup, but the hell with it. I wanted to look good. I left my hair down and gave it a wet look. Ding! dong!  He was early. I finished pinning the white lily in my hair and went to anwser the door. I stopped in front of the door, took a deep breath and put on my best smile. Opening the door, my smile faded and my face turned into confusion. "Zak? What are you doing here?"

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