Chapter 17

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"Alright Andi. What is the big emergency? You know I had to leave the annual male hot body contest and I NEVER miss it," she said looking at me annoyed.

" I know and I'm sorry, but last night someone broke into my house," I said with a serious tone. Shock overtook her face, as her eyes widened.

" Oh Andi, I'm so sorry. I am so selfish. You weren't home were you?" she asked still in complete shock, dropping her veggie slice of pizza onto the grease covered plate.

I had Sarah meet me at the mall, well... reason being is because my house was still trashed from the break in.

" Luckily no. I went over to Jake's BBQ last night. When we came home the door was slightly ajar and the outside light was out. I turned the lights on and the damage done was devastating. They tore everything apart."

" Did they take anything?"

" Yea. They took my good jewelry and the pocket knife my dad gave me," I said remembering my tenth birthday. Tears threatened my eyes, but I blinked them back. The memory brought so much heartache, that I pushed it as far back into my mind as I could.

" I'm really sorry Andi. Do you have any idea who might have done it?"

" Maybe. I found this," I said pulling out the red wristband that I found. Her face went white as if she had seen a ghost.

" Wheee...where did you g g g.. get that?" she asked stuttering.

" I found it on the table in my living right after the break in. I confronted Zak about it today and he said that he gave it to you," I replied.

 I trusted Sarah and I knew that she wasn't the one that broke in. I was hoping to get some answers out of her. Staring into her eyes, I waited for an answer. Her eyes glazed over as the blank stare stayed on her face.

" Sarah? You okay?" I asked waving my hand frantically in front of her face. Snapping out of it she looked at me.

" I'm sorry, but I lost that bracelet. Zak and I were wrestling and when we were done I realized it wasn't on my wrist anymore. I asked him if he had seen it and we searched for it, but had no luck in finding it." She picked her veggie slice back up and took a bite.

I didn't know what to think now. If it was a stranger how did they know about the pocketknife?I never took it out of the jewlery box. I was the only one that knew about it. Maybe they had a grudge against me and just wanted to get back at me. Running through my thoughts I couldn't think of anyone that I had upset recently.

" Do you think you will ever find out who did it?" Sarah asked pulling me back to reality.

" Probably not. The cops said that most robbery cases are unsolved. I just wish I knew who it was. That pocket knife was special to me."

Not saying a word saying grabbed my hand and squeezed, letting me know that everything would work out. Looking around the mall, I realized it wasn't as busy as usual. Spotting the enormous antique clock in the center of the food court, I couldn't believe it was already four o'clock.

" I hate to end this short, but there is something else that I had planned and it can't wait," I said with an apologetic look on my face.

" It's okay. We can hang out again soon right?"

" Yes. I pinky promise. I will text you tomorrow okay. Loves ya!"

" Loves ya too," she replied back. Picking up my purse, I headed back to my car relieved. Sarah took it better than I thought she would. Getting to my car I realized I had a piece of paper stuck underneath the windsheild wipers. Pulling it out, I figured it was a flyer to an event. Unfolding it, I glanced over what it said and my knees buckled. Luckily the car was there to keep me from falling. Taking dep breaths, I tried to calm my racing heart. Why me? Composing myself, I folded the paper back up and stuck it in my purse. I grabbed my phone and shakily dialed Jake's number. It rang twice, before he answered.

" Hello."

" Hey. Are you doing anything right now?" I asked quickly.

" Just washing my car. What's going on?"

" I need you to come to the mall like right now. Please hurry." I was still breathing heavy and my heart hadn't stopped racing.

" Andi what's going on baby? Did someone hurt you?" he asked anger slowly taking over his voice.

" Jake I just really need you to come to the mall. Please.I'm begging you," I cried out. Tears welling up in my eyes.

The phone was silent for a moment.

" I'm on my way." Hanging up I reached into my mess of a purse and grabbed my car keys. Unlocking the door, I got in and locked the doors. Who was messing with me and why? I didn't deserve this.

Jake arrived ten minutes later. I unlocked the doors and ran into his arms. I broke down again and let the tears fall. He pulled me tight against his body, rubbing his hand on my back.

" Andi baby, what happened?" he asked putting his hands on my shoulders and pulling me out of his embrace.

Wiping at my eyes with the back of my hands. I walked back to my car with Jake trailing behind me. Grabbing my purse I pulled out the folded note and placed it in Jake's big hands. Confusion furrowed his brows as he unfolded and read what it said.

You were lucky this time. Next time you wont be so lucky. You will be mine.

His face went from confusion to anger in seconds. His body started shaking with rage as it went through his body reaching his eyes. Turning towards his car, Jake slammed his fist into his car window. On impact the glass shattered into a million pieces.

" Jake, what do we do?" I asked quietly, afraid he would hit something else.

" I'm not sure," he said angrily.

" Shouldn't we go to the police?"

" No! They aren't going to do anything about it. From here on out I am going to stay at your house. If you go out, I want someone with you at all times. Okay?" He looked deep into my eyes and I could see worry.

Shaking my head yes, he folded up the note and stuffed it in his pocket. Glancing at his hand I spotted blood dripping from his fingertips.

" Jake, you're bleeding," I said reaching for his hand.

Looking at his hand, he said," Oh shit."

" We should get you to a hospital. There are glass shards in your hand." Running over to my car, I opened the trunk and pulled out an old t-shirt. I started wrapping it around his hand and he cringed. I knew he was hurting, but he never really showed it. He felt as if he had to be strong for me.

" Okay, but we will have to take your car. I will call my a friend of mine and have him pick it."

I carefully finished warpping his hand and we got into my car. Putting the car in reverse I thought. So much for taking him to meet my mom. Maybe tomorrow.

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