Chapter 14

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  I want to dedicate this to BookWormBabe. She has supported me since the begininng. I love you Den!!! Thanks for always being an Awesome friend!!!


" Andi-bug. You awake?" she asks. That voice. It sounds so familiar. Mom? It couldn't be. She killed another patient, just yesterday. There is no way that the hospital let her out. Opening my eyes, I see her tan feet and perfectly painted pink toe nails in a black pair of flips flops.

"Mom? What are you doing?" I asked sitting up. My muscles awaken and loosen as I stretch my arms to the ceiling.

" I came to see you honey. How are you feeling?"

" I'm fine. How did you get out?"

" How did I get out of what honey?" she asks as confusion writes itself on her face.

" Out of the institut..." I trail off. Looking into my mother's face, I see her dark brown hair flowing like a waterfall down past her shoulders. Her green emerald eyes sparkling like the stars on a clear summers night. She was the mother I remembered before my father passed. " What's going on?"

" Do you not remember what today is?" 

" Ummm... No, but I would like to know."

" It's visitation day."

Visitation day. What the hell was she talking about. Looking around the room, I am surrounded by four white padded wall with no windows. Looking down I see cuts and scars covering my wrists. "Mom... where am I?"

" Honey, you're in the Franklin Mental Institution. You don't have any idea what happened do you?" she asks her face turning from confusion to concern.

" NO! I have no freaking idea why I am here! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE HERE!" I screamed at her. My adrenaline pumping through my veins. She was the crazy one, not me. She stepped back I as stood, fists clenched, walking towards her.

" Honey calm down. I can help you remember what happened. I promise.. "

" I remember everything! You are the one that killed that other patient! Not me!" Movement behind my mother caught my eye. A man in white scrubs opened the door. "I'm going to need help!" he yelled down the hall. A flash, just like lightning, catches my eye. Looking in his hand I see a syringe with a huge needle on it, filled with a clear liquid.

" What are you doing?" I ask, but the man keeps walking towards me. Looking at my mother, her cheeks are glistening and her eyes are filled with hurt and sadness. She covers her mouth with her hands. Her face in utter shock. "Mom! Help me! Please!" I scream at her. Four more male nurses walk into the room.

" You two grab her legs. One of you grab her arms and you hold down her head." As he barked out the orders each nurse did as they were told. Pushing my muscles to the max, I kick and scream. Sweat forming on my brow. My face almost purple. I try with all my heart and soul to break free from this hell. Ouch! The needle enters my skin. The poison is injected into my vein, as my heart pumps it through my bloodstream. My breathing slows, as my eyes start to droop." Mom please help...." I whisper. Closing my eyes, my body falls into the never ending darkness. Hitting the ground I jolt awake, gasping for air.

 Sweat covers my body. What in the hell was that. Looking at my wrists, there are no scars. A collage of happy memories cover the hot pink walls, the closet full of clothes. I was home. Looking at the clock, I can't believe what time it is. Sitting up, my head explodes with pain. Great another headache. On the way to the bathroom, I grab my phone. I have one missed call from Jake. Hitting the call button I wait. Ring. Ring. Ring.

" Hello," he said groggily.

" Hey Jake. Did I wake you up?"

" Yea, but it's okay. I need to get up."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just now seen that I had missed your call," I said as I gathered my clothes and a towel.

" I missed you and wanted to make sure you were okay," he said. I stopped and smiled. He missed me. How sweet.

" Awww really. I miss you too."

" My parents are having a barbeque and I want you to meet them. Would you be up for that?" he asked.

Oh no! He wanted me to meet his parents. This relationship was moving fast. What if his parents didn't like me? What if they thought I wasn't good enough for their only son?

" Yea, I would love to go, but I have to take a shower."

" Yea same here. I will pick you up at 4. See ya soon Andi-bear."

" Okay Jakie." Hanging up the phone, I head to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, my eyes are as red as apples and as puffy as marshmellows. Moaning at how awful I look, I start the shower and undress. Getting in the shower, my tense muscles relax as the hot water caresses my skin. All of the bad energy and thoughts following  the curves of my body and swirling down into the drain. Hopefully lost forever.

Getting out of the shower, my body and mind feel rejuvenated. Then it hit me. What was I going to wear? Should I wear someThing casual or something dressy? Tearing every article of clothing I had out of my closet, I started giving up hope until I found it. A sleek black strapped dress that hit just a few inches above my knee and showed what little cleavage I had. I decided to wear my black lace up heels with a sterling silver black pearl necklace. Now all I had to figure out was how I was going to do my hair. I want to look presentable and prestigious. I want to be myself. I finally decided to do my hair like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. You know the scene, where they get all cleaned up to go see the wizard.

The doorbell rang, as I finished putting on my berry flavored lip gloss. "Be there in a minute!" I yelled from the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I realizedhow super hot I looked. A giggle escaped my lips, at how conceited I sounded. Walking to the door I stumbled a little bit and realized that I haven't walked in heels since graduation. As I opened the door there stood Jake. He was wearing tan dress pants, a black long sleeve dress shirt and shiny black dress shoes. His hair spikey all over. My goodness he was smoking hot. I slid my tongue across my lips as I looked him up and down.

" Wow Andi. You look stunning and super hot!" he said. I watched as he slide his eyes from my head to my toes. I waited for the heat to flood to my cheeks making them pink, but for the first time in my life it didn't happen. I must have had this new found confidence. I strutted over to him, placed my slender hand on the back of his neck and pulled his luscious lips to mine. I passionately kissed him, while he slid his arms around my waist pulling me as close as he could. His hard erection rubbed against my leg. Before he could stop me I slipped my hand down to his bulge, grabbing it. I must have startled hime because he jumped a little and then relaxed. As I stroked his hard cock, a soft moan escaped his lips. Placing his strong hands on my hips he pushed me against his hard cock. Heat lingered down deep inside of me.Opening my eyes I see an old man standing on the sidewalk, watching intently and smiling. Pulling away, I stare into his sex hungry eyes and say," We have an audience."

He turns around and sees the old man, who is still watching intently. Jake waves to the old man and then turns back to me. Realizing that we aren't going to continue, the old mans smile fades and he walks off grumpily.

" We had better head that way. I don't want to make a bad first impression," I say quietly. Deep down both of us wanted to see how far we could take it, but it would have to wait until a later date. 

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