Chapter 13

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     The waterfalls of tears left her cheeks glistening. Her ragged breaths took every ounce of energy she had. Closing her eyes she remembered how malnourished her mother looked. Her eyes so dark and sunken in.  Her once sparkly eyes faded. " Andi baby will you be okay?" Sarah asked pulling me into a hug. Opening my eyes, I looked around, realizing I was sitting on my bed in my house. I pulled away from her comforting embrace and met Sarah's blue jean colored eyes.

" How did I get here?" I asked confused. " The last thing I remember is having a pretend tea party with mom and then walking out the front doors."

" Honey, you called me in tears saying that you needed to talk to me. I asked where you wanted to meet and you said to come here. When I knocked on the door you didn't answer so I let myself in and I found you lying in here on your bed in the fetal position."

Staring at her, I felt my throat dry up like a puddle on a hot summers day. I don't remember even getting in the car. Maybe I was in some kind of delusional state. Or worse maybe I caught some crazy disease while I was at the hospital. Freaking out, I pushed Sarah out of the way, knocking her to the ground. Running to the bathroom, my pulse raced as sweat formed on my brow. My mouth started to water as I felt vomit coming up my throat. I reached the toilet, as eggs, bacon and orange juice pushed its self up my throat and out my mouth. My nose burnt with the smell of my stomach juice contents. Sarah's hot hand felt good on my now cool skin. "Can I do anything Andi?" she asked quietly.

Gathering up the strength I had left, I replied," Yes. Will you grab me a washcloth and run some cold water over it please. Also can you grab me a Sprite from the fridge."

While Sarah got the things I needed, I flushed down the vulgar contents that had escaped me. Each step that I took to the sink, felt worse than the last. I felt as if my legs were jello.Turning the seashell faucet to cold water, I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. Cupping my hands I let the water fill up. Splashing it on my face, I let the water trickle down, feeling my pores tingle. Looking back at the mirror my heart dropped. Staring back at me was the reflection of my mother. " Here Andi. Sorry it took so long, my mom called saying that she needed help with something," she said handing me the washcloth and Sprite.

  "Thank you," I said pulling my gaze away from the mirror. " I really appreciate everything you have done, but you should go help your mom. I will be fine. I promise." I gave her my most convincing smile.

"Okay, but if you need anything call." We walked to the front door in silence. Before she left she comforted me one last time. " Andi, I'm serious. Anything you need don't hesitate. You should go get some rest. You could use it." Closing the door I decided to take Sarah's advice. I grabbed my phone and noticed that Jake had texted me. " Hey! Mom's keeping me busy, so I can't make it tonight, but I promise I will call you tomorrow. Sleep good Andi-bear."  Smiling I sent him a text back. " That's fine. Have fun cleaning. LOL! I can't wait to hear your voice. Sleep good Jakie."

Putting my phone on charge, I realized how much I missed Jake. I wish I could tell him about today, but I'm scared he will run away. Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I started walking back to my bedroom.  Knock! Knock! I stopped and heading back to the front door. I wonder who it is now. Pulling up the door, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. Standing there with shock written all over my face, I realize who it is. "Zak, what are you doing?" I asked pulling away from him.

" Sarah told me what happened. I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said trying to grab my hand. I pulled away and acted like I was scratching my neck. The nightmare of him flashbacked in my mind. "I'm fine. I promise. I was actually just getting ready to lie down."

" Oh... do you want me to come at a different time?" he asked shuffling his feet.

" Yea if you don't mind. I am really tired. Thanks for thinking about me though." Staring into his eyes, a chill ran down my spine and goosebumps covered my skin.

" That's cool, I will se ya around. Hope you ge better." He reached his arms out like he was going to hug me and then stopped. Instead he waved goodbye and walked to his car. I shut the door and locked it as soon as his car was out of sight. Something about Zak, made me on edge. The weird thing about everything was Sarah just left my house five minutes ago. Sarah was a great friend and I know she wouldn't go blabbing to someone she barely knew about my problems. Especially stuff that dealt with my family. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I walked over to the curtains and closed them. Slipping under the covers, the cold sheets felt refreshing on my skin. I pulled the covers up to my neck and lay down. Closing my eyes, I thought about the day and realized it was the worst day ever.

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