Chapter 12

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   I would like to dedicate this to XundecidedX. She has left comments on everyone of my chapters and I enjoy her feedback. I also like making her gues what is going to happen next.  Thanks for the support XundecidedX!!! You are awesome!!!

You all should check out her awesome story called Everybody is Kung Fu Dancing. It is an awesome story about drama, fighting and possibly love! Check it out! 

   Why is it when you have something important to say, and as soon as you open your lips letting the words start to roll off your tongue, a phone rings or someone interrupts?  In my situation the phone decided to ring. Staring at the doctor I realized that I was picking at my fingernails. I haven't been this nervous since I played Annie in my third grade play. " I'm very sorry about that Miss Jenkins. Important business that needed taken care of. Now about your mother. Have you decided what you want to do?" he asked with concern.

  Prying my eyes away from my fingernails, I looked up at the doctor. " Yes, I would like to talk to my mother."

" Okay, before you do we need you to fill out a couple of forms.."

" Now wait a minute, I thought this was a life or death situation. Why do I have to fill out forms?" I asked confused.

" These forms are in case something was to happen to you while you are seeing the patient."

"What the hell? Really? She is my mother for goodness sake." I started getting impatient with this guy.

" Well it is standard procedure Miss Jenkins. We will also be sending someone in with you, in case the patient gets out of hand."

My blood was boiling like hot water in a kettle on the stove. I was ready to blow my top. How dare he sit here and talk about my mother like she was just another one of his patients.

" How dare you! She is a freaking human being, who lives and breaths like the rest of us. She's not just some case number you have in your records! She's my mother and there is no way in hell that someone else is going in there with me. I go alone or don't go at all!" I screamed at him. My adrenaline pumping faster than it should and my heart about ready to explode out of my chest. Staring at his face, I realized he was dumb founded. I guess no one has ever fought back.

" Okay then. Is there anything else that you would need while you talk with the p... I mean your mother?' he asked.

" No sir. That is all. Can I see my mother now? I asked calmy.

" Yes , but before we do, there is one procedure I can not break. I will need you to put any sharp objects and belts in a basket before we proceed. It is for both of your safety," he said quickly pulling out a basket and setting it down. I could tell he had chosen his words carefully and for that I felt powerful.

" I can do that." I emptied my pockets and then set my purse in the basket. I couldn't argue with him on this procedure. It was meant to protect both not just one.

 " This way Miss Jenkins.This security guard will walk you down and unlock the door. After that you are on your on. Your mothers room is at the end of the hall. Room 13 to be exact, " he said pointing to the left.

Walking downt the hall, it seemed like it was getting longer and longer with each step I took. I felt as if I would never make it. As I reached her door my stomach turned upside down. This was it. The moment that might change my life forever. The security guard opened the door and I took a dep breath. Sitting there in the corner sat my mother. She looked up and aksed," Andi-bug?" Walking to her I noticed her hair was short and in knots. Her once bright emerald green eyes had faded.

" Yes mamma bear. It's me," I said trying to fight back tears. Staring into her eyes, I remembered her before she went crazy. I ran over to her wrapping my arms around her frail body. She had lost so much weight. Her bones stuck out like tree roots escaping the ground. Tears ran down my cheeks as I oulled away and looked into her eyes.

" Oh Andi-bug I have missed you so much. Look how beautiful you are. You look so much like your father," she said looking me up and then down.

" Thanks mom. I have missed you too. We have a lot of catching up to do."

" Yes we do. I even arranged a tea party over there in the corner for us," she replied pointing to the corner.

Looking over there I realized there was nothing there. I must have had that look of confusion on my face because my mother asked," Don't you see it baby? It is beautiful. I got your favorite dessert. Homemade chocolate chip cookies, right out of the oven."

Then it hit me. It was the medication talking. " Yes mom, it is beautiful and I'm glad you invited me over. Walking over to the invisible table I sat down. I watched as my mother picked up the pretend teapot and poured me some tea.

" Would you like soem cream or sugar?"

" No, but thanks for asking." Pouring herself a cup she sat down. While we drank our pretend tea, we talked about everything. I told her that I had a house right next to the beach and that I was going to colllege for marine bioloigy. My mom was also a bookworm at heart. When I told her I worked at the library she practically jumped for joy. I could tell she was very proud of me, but she never had to say it because I knew. We got on the subject of guys and I toldher about Jake and the day we met. She was grinning from ear to ear when I was finished. We smiled and laughed and had a great time. Then I remembered the reason I was here. Staring at her I asked," Mom did you kill that lady Becky?" I asked fear clutching my heart.

Her mouth dropped open and she burst into tears. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. Laying her head on my chest she cried and cried. I comforted her like she comforted me when I got a boo-boo or was scared. After about 10 minutes, she said," Yes. I did kill her."

" Why mom? What did she do?" I asked. My mind was buzzing and my nerves were shot.

" She was talking bad about your father. She said that he was a nothing and that his soul went to hell instead of heaven. I couldn't take it. I asked her nicely to be quiet, but she kept at it. I pulled out the knife in my pocket and lunged at her. I was just trying to scare her. Then I noticed that some of the staff was coming my way so I whispered in her ear that she was going to hell and I killed her. I didn't realize what I had done until it was too late. Do you hate me because of what I have done?" she asked staring up at me. Her eyes pleading and begging for forgiveness.

" Mom, I could never hate you and I will always love you, but if there is one thing you taught me is that you should always tell the truth. Don't you agree?" I felt as if I was talking to a five year old.

" Yes," she said saddly while fiddling with her thumbs.

" Thanks mom. Well... I have to get home and get ready for Jake to come over."

"Okay Andi-bug, but you have to promise me one thing." I nodded my head yes." Will you promise to come visit me more often? I get awfully lonely and I enjoyed your company today."

" Yes mom. I would enjoy that very much," I said getting up to hug her. I wrapped my arms around her tiny little waist and hugged her tight. I kissed her on the forehead and said my goodbye. Walking out the door, I was glad that I had come to see my mother.

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