twenty two

694 40 24

Family Can Be...

Giulia was in no good spirits to be at some little kids soccer game, but for her little sister, she would. Her sister has been trying to catch her and spend time with her again; however, Giulia postpones. Celeste understands why, but she couldn't allow her sister to spend another morning this week in the house.

"I am so glad, ya' hea'," Celeste said as she rummaged through the cooler for something to drink, "I know you be wantin' ya time to ya'self, but I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Giulia replies, "some days could be better, but hey, what can I do about it?" she was in the process of opening a pack of cookies that her cousin, Fernanda, had made.

Fernanda was doing the school a favor and making her daughter sell warm goods like cookies to go towards these laptops. Fernanda and her daughter spent time making them, adding cute frosting designs to them, and having a pitch to get people to purchase them.

"Where's Richie? I thought he would've came? He loves sports," Celeste said as she grabbed a capri sun.

"He had some stuff to handle with Sam and Mattia," Giulia answered, slipping a cookie from the package. She thought they looked pretty, but as she tasted one, she nearly spit the pieces at her feet.

Fernanda smiled, "tastes good, huh?"

Giulia covered her mouth, "so good," she said, chewing the hard cookie. The flavor was supposed to be sugar cookie, but it was rather disgusting, and she couldn't put her finger on it.

Celeste points to the baked goods and says, "I should buy. How much are you selling them for again?"

"Seven dollars for the pack," Fernanda answered, Celeste catching Giulia as she shook her head behind their cousin.

Celeste caught the hint: "ahhh, okay. I'll be sure to see if my boyfriend wants some," she pointed over her shoulder, not really meaning the words.

Fernanda waves her hand, "nonsense. I'll have Gabby go over and sell him some," she said, mentioning her daughter. Cupping her hand around her mouth, "Gabby!" the young girl not hearing as she was speaking to a friend.

Celeste tries to say, "it's fine. I'll go over later-"

"Gabby!" Fernanda called out again, Gabby snapping her gaze over, "get over hea'! I need you to sell some cookies!" turning her attention to the two ladies before her, "I swea', kids act like they can't hea' you until they want somethin' from you."

Giulia used a napkin to get rid of the cookie crumbs in her mouth, "mhm," balling up the napkin while Fernanda looked ahead.

Fernanda smiles as she watches her son sit on the bench during their break, "kids grow up so fast. Junie's now askin' me to buy him a damn phone."

Celeste smirked, "at least he waited until his teenage years. My six-year-old is beggin' for one now and an iPad. Do you know how expensive those things are?"

Giulia nodded, her focus out onto the group of individuals that were dressed in uniform.

"Ma, why am I here?" Giuseppe asked as he held a soccer ball in his hand, "I hate soccer."

Giulia responded, "you can grow to love it. Soccer can keep you fit and can help you occupy your free time because sitting in front of a screen all day, playing a game, is not good."

Giuseppe discretely rolled his eyes so his mother wouldn't see him, "how come I'm the only one that has to be here? Am I getting punished?"


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