A Game and A Accident Chapter:3

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You knock on the door and two of several maids come and swing the door open. "Greeting miss (Y/N)." The maids say. You say "Sup." Then you throw yourself on the couch. "Came in guys."you said. They all come in. You tell them to come with you to your room. The twins were smirking again. You scoff. You have an enormous room with four beds. One for two people to fit in. You tell them to put there bags down. You get ready to go to the next room but you stop to look at the clock first it read "4:50" it was still early so you decided to ask if they wanted something so eat. "Do you guys and girl want anything to eat?" "Kyoya said noddles will be fine and everyone except Haruhi who looked sad. "What's wrong Haruhi?" "Nothing it's just that you don't have any fancy tuna."she said. You give her this look 😟 seeing that she was about to cry. "Don't worry I have plenty of fancy tuna for you." you said smiling.😄

~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~
After you all ate you see that everyone is going bored so you suggest to play games. The twins started smirking again and said at the same time with a devilish look on there faces "How about we play seven minutes in heaven." They looked at you and you gulped blushing redder then before. So to keep your guest entrained you went to go get a bag. You each put an item in the bag. You putting in a hair bow, Honey putting in Usa-chan,Mori putting in picture of him and Honey, Kyoya putting his little black book in,Kaoru putting in blue hair brush in,Hikaru punning in a orange comb,Tamaki putting in a stuffed teddy bear,and Haruchi putting in a necklace. Thus the game had began. I told Haruchi to go first she pulled out a teddy bear.Everyone started to giggle. Tamaki yelled "Daddy can't do that to his daughter!" Then he goes in his emo corner growing mushrooms. "Came on boss." the twins say in unison. You have to do it they drug he in the closet and locked the Haruchi was already in the closet waiting. "Seven minutes start now!" I scared. little did they know I had a camera in the closet. After about two minutes of them just sitting there Tamaki told Haruchi his real feeling for her. You and Honey were the only two who knew about the camera. "Aww." you and Honey say together. Both of you were blushing when you said that look each other in the eyes. When you turn your attention back to the closet Tamaki and Haruchi were in a full make-out session. Two words flowed thought your head "ok bruh." When I look at Honey he was blushing really red but the weird put about that he was starring at you.
*Honey POV*
"I hope (Y/N)-chan picks my item." he thought
"Your seven minutes are up!" You say unlocking the door but not opening it so Kyoya opened the door instead. To find Tamaki and Haruchi butt naked on top of each other. Everyone was in shock with a face like this 😳. The twins saying "Way to go boss!" "You guys can go in the other room if you want." I said without an expression on your face 😶."Next!" Hikaru said grinning only to have pick his own brother. They went in and I locked the door. A little later the sound of kissing and sucking came from the closet I look at Honey like 😟 he look at you the some way. After seven minutes passed I opened the door and saw Kaoru getting his neck sucked on by Hikaru. Kaoru had hickies all over him both of them didn't have they're shirts on too.(Fangirls) "Take it to another room boys" you say with the twins smirking at you out of no where they both start sucking on your neck. You try to get them of but you couldn't but someone come to save you it was Honey. He knocked both of them onto the floor and said "That's my job!" At mediately you started blushing as red as a tomato he did to. I-I did mea- Honey try to
Say but was interrupted by your finger to his lips making him turn an even darker shade of red and then you kissed him on the lips witch made him blush an even darker shade than that. With saying anything (of course) Mori dug in the bag and pulled out a little black book. Thus he picked up Kyoya and carried him in the closet after seven minutes were up both of them were just sitting there on the floor Kyoya writing his death notes and Mori just sitting there being Mori. "Come on you at least have to kiss it's the rule" you said. "Yeah!" Honey said. Mori sighed and grabbed Kyoya cheeks making his lip pucker to kiss him on the lips and so he did."Ok." you and Honey say satisfied. We didn't even have to pick we just got our items out of the bag. We went to closet I don't even think anyone was paying attention but you went in anyways you two made-out for two hours. It was 7:11 when you two finally came out of the closet. You call everyone to tell them it dinner and dessert time everyone quickly ran to the dinning room to eat. After all of you guy ate you brought out small mini cakes for everyone. Honey looked a bit sad and you knew why. "Don't worry" you said winking at him he smiled.
~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~
It was time to take a shower it was already 8:30 you want in your bathroom to take a shower and everyone else was in a guess bathroom witch you had like eight of them (what a coincidence) in the end of you taking your shower Honey walked in rubbing his eye with one hand and holding Usa-chan in the other hand. he set the bunny down and unzipped his pants to pee. You didn't realize he was there until you got out of the shower in shock you dropped your towel and Honey turned around and when he saw you his eyes widen and he had turned redder then he ever had. He had nose bleeded and passed out but right before he fell to the ground Mori caught him. Everyone came rushing in the bathroom and I mean everyone. As so they looked up I was standing there butt naked all of the guys blushed really really red just like Honey then they nose bleeded. Haruchi sighed and handed me my towel I sighed as well. "Boys." we both say. As soon as everyone woke up they put on their night clothes and went to bed you did the same and of corse you all brushed your teeth.

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