I'm sorry Chapter:4

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You woke up and it was 10:00 am and saw Honey sleeping. "He so cute" you said out loud in a whisper voice not realizing the others had been up. "Awwww" everyone except Honey whispers. "Oh shut up!" You whisper yell. Honey started to wake up. *Yawn* he yawned and blinked a bit then he turned his head facing you "Good morning (Y/N)-chan." Honey said. Then he remembered what happened yesterday and blushed. You know what he was thinking and started to blush too. "I have a whole day planned guys." You say. "Cool." Haruchi said. "Well let's get a move on." You say. You guys all head to the dining room to get breakfast. For you bacon and eggs. For Honey cake (for course). For Mori waffles. For Tamaki and Kyoya pancakes. And Haruchi was still eating fancy tuna. After you guys all ate breakfast you went to the store (Walmart) and everybody was running around the whole store. "Mommy can we get this?!" Tamaki said to Kyoya while he was sitting in a buggy. "No." Kyoya said. So Tamaki sunk down in he's emo corner in the buggy. "Oh brother." You say stressed and irritated because the twins and Tamaki won't listen to you. Honey, Mori, Kyoya, and Haruchi were the only ones that listened to you. "I bet you guys are irritated too." you say. they all nod. After you get everything you need Kyoya drags the twins out of the store by their ears and Haruchi does the same to Tamaki. Then you get the limo to drop you off at a gift/baker shop. You tell everyone to wait in the limo. "Aww bu-but." everyone says. "No buts guys I want take that long." When you get in the shop to you see Umethito Nekozawa and his sister buying flowers and stuffed animals. You just shrug it off then then you start getting what you came there for. Gift check list: Honey: cake ✔️ Mori: thank you card and a sword ✔️ the twins: matching yet different color jackets one orange and one blue ✔️ Haruchi: a stuffed ani-... you where caught off guard by someone taping you no the shoulder. "Yes." you say turning to seeing Umethito and his sister standing in front of you. "H-hi (Y-Y/N) right?" "Yes Umethito hold on how do you know my name?" You say. "How do you know my name?" He says. "That's not important, so what do you want?" You say "Oh er~..." He says "Hurry it up I don't have all day the host are waiting on me." You say "CAN I COME OVER TO YOUR HOUSE!!!" He shouts blushing. "Sure." you say while you give him your address. "Ok thank you." he says bowing. You give him the death / if you don't hurry the freak up glare. So he pays for his things and leaves to shop to go drop his sister off to another limo. You seeing that he had left you thought to your self, "I better hurry up." "Ok." you sigh. Haruchi: a stuffed animal ,a new dress, and earrings , a necklace and 2 friend ship bracelets (you and her I mean she's your new bff after all.) ✔️ Tamaki: a crown ✔️ and Kyoya: You really nice pen for his death notes ✔️. your done 😋. Except you forgot about you 😐 so you buy those expensive earrings and necklace you've been eyeing. Then right before you leave you find out this place has a food court you go get food for everyone.
~~~~~Time skip for checking out~~~~
You get all the gifts rapped and-... Wait I have to get pocky so much pocky oh yeah and a present for Umethito too. Just then Ristu. "H-hey (Y-Y/N) c-can I-I c-come t-to y-your h-hou-..." He said blushing too. "I guess they both have a crush on me." you thought. you cut him off and give him your address and say "Yes." "Thanks." he said then he left the shop. "Geez how does everybody know I'm here?" You thought. You literally ran around the store buying Umethito another puppet know it's probably gonna make him even more crazy. And you get Ristu a thug bandana (#thuglife) then you get like 20 things of pocky. Getting the other gifts wrapped, paying, and etc.
~~~~~~Time skip to the limo~~~~~~
Everyone looks at you with the where have you been look. "Sorry everyone, I ran into some people from school and for some reason they wanted to go to my house what a coincidence,huh." "Not at all!" The twins say. "What do you mean?" You ask them. "We texted Umethito and Ristu to meet you at this shop." "Tee~hee". The twins say. I'm gonna kill both of you for yesterday and today!!!!!!" For the rest of the trip back home the twins stayed clear of you.
~~~~~~~Time skip again~~~~~~~~~
We get home Umethito and Ristu were wait outside your house. You all walk in your house and set your things down. You announce you are have a party later on but first you guys all watch a movie. Honey tugged on your shirt and said "(Y/N)-chan I'm sorry." "It's ok Honey." You say with a smile. "No I really mean it (Y/N)-chan and to make it up to you let me show you." Honey said dragging you to a guess bedroom and taking off all his and your clothes...
To be continued

(A/N) so reader-chan's do you want more well if you do then vote and comment I will update the story soon. Peace.

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