Why? Chapter:7

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"Honey it's not what it looks like!" You scream while you run after Honey. Before you could talk to him Mori stopped you dead in your tracks. "Mori can you please moved out of the way?" you said. He shook his head. "Damn it Mori move, I am trying to tell Honey that that was one of my twin sisters!" You shouted frustratedly. Everyone looked at you with a confused and shocked look. "My mom had 7 girls,all of us at the same time." You said."Oh." Everybody except Tamaki and Haruchi said. They seemed to be last in each other's eyes. "You can't always jump to conclusions you know." You say smirking at Honey. "I'm really sorry (Y/N)." he said hugging you. "It's alright but as my dad always says don't be sorry be careful." (in real life my dad says this and sorry if I offended anyone). "I was just introducing her to Umethio, she said he was cute. "Hold the fuck up..." Kaoru started. " You have twin sisters?" Hikaru said. "And you did tell us?" You look over Tamaki and Haruchi who were now making out and then looked back at the twins. "Yeah." You said "Pretty much." you said with a Derp Face. "Girls,come on out the guys are interested. "Finally." your oldest sister said. "DAMN!" They all said. "Well this is..." you said as you introduced all your sisters. (you come up with the names). All the guys except Tamaki of course hooked up with your sisters. It got really awkward after that but you just brushed it off. "Everybody ready to party!" you said while you hopped up on the table. "Yeah!" Everybody screamed back. "Well let's get this party started! You scream while remembering you one of your sisters is still with Umehtio. You knock on the door, "Sis are you ready to party?" "Yep one sec." she said reassuring you. You heard them putting their clothes back on. "Bruh, crazy Saturday." "You thought. Your favorite song came on. (idk if you guys like this song but I do https://youtu.be/WXD0Vx2W2tI)😄. They come out of the room as you were getting your groove on to this song http://youtu.be/fsjuybH3UdU . After it turned 10:00 you guys all settle down. Then you pull out all the Pocky you bought.

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