Presents Gifts and broken hearts Chapter:6

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"Everybody please come up to the table and take your gifts!" You say excitedly. "Even you guys that just go here." you say smiling. Everybody loved their gifts. "And now for the food I got for the shop." you laughing. "I'm still surprised that the shop had a food court." you say trying to start a conversation. "Wait!" You shout. You grabbed Haruchi by the arm and ran to your dressing room. "Put this on." you said handed her the dress and other accessories you bought for her. You run in the other dressing putting on your new dress the maid bought for you about a week ago.(lol). You also put on your accessories. You two both walk out at the same time and the maids run up to you do you and Haruchi's makeup. You give her a new pair of shoe that were her size and said "You can keep everything I gave you." you say giggling because she looked like she was about to cry tears of joy. "Thank you." she says wiping her eyes. "Your welcome." you say smiling. You both walk back to the dinning room like "I woke up like this." All the guys start to blush. Honey ran up to you and said "(Y/N)-chan you look beautiful!" "Thank you Honey." you say kissing him on the head. Ristu looked like he was about to cry. Honey tugged on your dress and said "Go ahead you can kiss him ok the cheek." "Ok." you whisper back. He started to sulk in the corner like Tamaki. *Ristu POV* "Why does every girl I like have to have a boyfriend." I said pouting. All of a sudden (Y/N) came up and kissed me on the cheek. "THERE'S STILL HOPE." I scream. Back to you. "No there's not there's never been and there will be." you thought. You guys all ate and then you said "Dessert!" Honey strung up and grabbed the cake that you bought for him. Umethito started to talk to his puppets sense you bought him another one. "Not at the table Umethito." you said as glared at him. "You'd be perfect for the black magic club, don't you thing so Belzenef?" He said talking to his puppet. "What do you think?" he asked his other puppet. "Alright that's enough you saw getting up from the table. You grab Umethio's ear and drag him to a room. Right before you leave you say "Please excuse me." then you throw him on the bed. "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING TO THOSES PUPPETS!!!!" You scream. "Turn off the lights." He said. "Why?" You asked. "Just do it please." He pleaded. You huff "Fine,but don't you dare try anything funny." you warned him. He took of his cloak and what you saw shocked you. You saw a handsome prince with gold hair your jaw dropped down to the floor and you started to drill. "Why do you wear that cloak?" You asked him as you bushed. He giggled because you were blushing and said "Because I'm sensitive to light." "Oh." you said "Hey you look pretty cute in the dark." he said leading towards you. You blushed and leaned in too. "Hold up I have a boyfriend." you thought. But right as you realize that you and him kissed right as Honey walked in. "(Y/N)-chan." Honey said with tears in his eyes as he ran back to the dinning room. "Honey! ,Wait it's not what it looks like!" You scream. "Yes it is!" Umethito said. "Shut up!" you say bopping him on the head. Then you ran after Honey .
To be continued...

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