Doggy Brothers

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The next day was Saturday and Annie had to explain to Ellie that she no longer wanted to move in with her. She was worried Ellie would be really mad at her for going back on her word. Ellie was sad but also a bit relieved. Ellie was starting to realise it wasn't for the best too.

Mr Filly, Dr Jimmy, and Henri helped move her boxes. Henri was in human headspace to be more helpful. Annie couldn't help but giggle, she always found it silly to see a doggy walking on only two feet. They took all of her boxes, even the ones that said ‘donate’. Mr Filly said that if she wanted to get rid of things later, she could. But he made a rule that she wasn't allowed to donate anything for at least a month so she could adjust first.

Mr Filly carried her into her new nursery. It was amazing!! It has green carpet on the floor and sky blue walls and ceiling. The walls have clouds on them and some of the clouds have sleeping bees and butterflies painted on them. One wall has a rainbow with a smiling sun. One wall has a big tree with a beehive on it. All of the shelves on the walls are hexagon shaped to look like beehives.

Annie’s crib is a circle shape with yellow sheets and has a mobile above it that has bees and butterflies dangling from it. The padding on the sides makes it look like a big daisy. Felipe wanted it to look like his baby bee fell asleep in a flower.

Felipe also filled her closet with clothes that are Annie's two favourite colours, black and yellow! So now, Annie can always pretend to be a bee! Or she can wear just black and pretend to be a butterfly. There is even a dress up area full of headbands with antennas and lots of butterfly and bee wings to choose from!

“It's amazingg, Daddy!! Tankchu!”

Felipe smiled at his baby bee who was too excited to realise that she had just called him ‘Daddy' for the first time. “It was nothing, baby bee.”


Daddy said that they were going to the park for lunch. Annie was excited because the butterflies in her tummy were growling like a big scary puppy for food!

Annie was crawling around with Henri and playing when another doggy sub came and jumped on Henri! Annie screamed and then she realised who it was. “DUKE!!!” She forgot her family was coming to celebrate her birthday!

Her dad brought the cake for her second birthday lunch. Annie just hoped they brought chocolate cake with sprinkles too!

The grownups talked about boring things while Annie played with Duke and Henri! The only thing better than playing with one pet doggy is playing with two! Annie's father brought a vanilla cake and it didn’t even have sprinkles! So Annie told her father that her Daddy brings better cakes so he should get the recipe from Daddy. The grownups laughed at her but cake business is serious business!

The three of them ran around on all fours. The doggys played more gently and slower than normal because Annie was just a baby and couldn't keep up. But they still all had a lot of fun. Henri always enjoyed playing with littles and now he had a baby sister to play with everyday!

The baby bee ended her birthday celebration by crawling on top of both of her doggy brothers and falling asleep. Of course, they didn't want to wake their baby sister up. So the doggys didn't move, and they ended up falling asleep too.

Felipe carried Annie, Jimmy carried Henri and Annie's dad carried Duke to their cars.

Annie woke up as Daddy was changing her for bed. It wasn't the first time Daddy changed her today so it didn't seem strange to her. She had gotten used to getting changed by someone else with Miss Susie, LeeLee and Ellie. Most of the time, it seemed like an impossible task to do by herself now. The last time she tried to change herself without any help at all, she ended up with a boo-boo.

“Hi, baby bee.” Daddy smiled at Annie and she smiled back. Molly was right. The best nicknames are given by Caregivers.

“Hi, Daddy.” Annie rubbed her eyes as Daddy put one of her bumblebee pyjamas on her.

“Did you have a fun time today, baby bee?”

“Es, Daddy. Again?”

“Of course, baby bee. Your birth family is still going to visit every second weekend.”

“Yay!!” Annie clapped. She wasn't sure how that would work once she found her own dynamic. Not all of her babies of vampires peers stayed close with their birth families. She couldn't imagine not being close with her birth family.

It made her sad to think her mom didn't want to be a vampire. Annie always said she did. She talked to her parents about her becoming a vampire lots and lots but she still needed to talk to Daddy about it. But that was a big and wide awake conversation to have. Right now, she just wanted to fall asleep dreaming about an eternity with her new dynamic.

Felipe smiled and rubbed the baby bee’s back as she fell back to sleep. He had the perfect crib custom made for his baby bee. It looked like the perfect circular flower. And she laid on her tummy with her little stinger up in the air.

The perfect baby bee for the perfect addition to their dynamic.

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