Chapter 10

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"We're requisitioning 3 rooms for the night. If you tell anyone we're here, I won't hesitate to use this." I coldly announced to the motel manager, who looked at us disdainfully and tiredly as his gaze shifted from my badge to my service weapon.

After all the chaos we had just endured, some old bastard wasn't going to stop me from taking a shower and collapsing into some sheets.

After sighing, he grabbed three keys from one of his drawers and angrily placed them on the counter.

"If you haven't returned them by tomorrow morning, I'll call the fucking cops." he said, and I forced a smile, catching my key in mid-air as I left without waiting around, leaving the supposedly heroic duo to figure things out.

As I looked at the number on the key and started climbing the stairs outside, I had a strange feeling.

It's strange that Simmons only shows up now.

I quickly entered my room and immediately closed the door behind me, shutting the curtains abruptly.

I sat down for a moment to catch my breath.

"Damn it...!" I finally let out, taking my head in my hands, feeling like I was at the bottom of a gaping hole.

If someone had told me that his little family lab hid mutants, walking skeletons, and even a zombie megalodon... I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to handle it legally!

I should have just shown up in front of him with a knife, and...

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, feeling the multiple pains accumulated throughout the evening starting to manifest.

Without even realizing it, I had tears in my eyes for the first time in a long time.

In one evening, I had reunited with my ex, who didn't hide his pleasure at seeing me, witnessed an entire city drown in screams and flames, lost my cell phone somewhere, and the worst part is that despite more than five years of investigation, my efforts led to nothing, unable to prevent this tragedy.

And yet, that was just Tall Oaks.

After brooding for a good five minutes, my gaze fixed on the door.

If only I were stronger...

It was the noise coming from behind that door that almost made me scream in surprise, quickly grabbing my weapon as I approached silently.

When I saw through the peephole that it was Leon, a strange sensation stirred in the pit of my stomach.

Was I nervous?

I quickly shook my head, opening the door without hesitation.

"Yo." was the only thing he said, in such a nonchalant manner that I couldn't hide my frustration.

"What do you want?" I quickly asked in response.

"Can I come in?" he eventually asked as I nodded my head in refusal.

He chuckled lightly, in an ironic tone, then gestured to the bag he had in his hand with a nod of his head.

Skeptical, I hesitated to take the bag at first. But seeing that he was growing more and more impatient, I finally grabbed it.

As I thanked him and prepared to close the door, he blocked it with his arm.

I took two steps back as he entered, hostile.

"We need to talk. Now." he coldly stated, not advancing any further, to which I sighed.

"I don't feel like talking to you, Leon." I replied, in such a cold tone that I hoped it would be enough to make him leave.

No more tears - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now