Chapter 18

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"So? What do you think?" Wolfe asked as I flipped through another file I had on hand, feeling somewhat ambivalent.

Not a single trace of Simmons in these reports. The only people mentioned were project leaders or investors, mentioned under partially anonymized names—furthermore, no direct reference to 'biological weapons' but rather to animal testing.

I looked up at one of the display cases exhibiting one of those monsters bathing in green liquid, gripping the paper way too tightly in my hand.

"It's not as easy as I thought... There's no way I'll pin Simmons down with these reports...!" I eventually replied, turning to the next page with a sigh of despair.

About twenty minutes must have passed since I arrived at the laboratory, and at this rate, it was guaranteed that the building would collapse before I found what I needed.

"I'm trying to access Neo-Umbrella's internal servers, but the encryption is far too advanced for someone of my caliber... I admit if you don't have anything, then-" Wolfe started to express before I promptly cut him off.

"No buts, Wolfe. If you can't access those servers even though I've given you access, ask someone else for help!" I retorted without hesitation, not even trying to hide my displeasure.

"Yeah, I'll do that. I'll get back to you later." was his response as I stood up, scanning the room once again in frustration.

"What am I supposed to do, base my testimony on damn photos?!" I grumbled, kicking the stool I had been sitting on previously.

The more I spent twiddling my thumbs, the more powerless I felt.

In fact, there wasn't a moment when I felt otherwise; keeping up appearances was far too easy compared to the hell I had been thrown into, alone, and time was my worst enemy.

What was I going to tell Leon? That I hadn't managed to find enough evidence to stop Simmons and his organization?

That I hadn't managed to provide an explanation for the millions, even billions, dead because of the ego crises of the few who found themselves in power?

Senator Davis's death, Secretary of State Wilson's death, and now Simmons's...

The corpses of these idiots were piling up, and no lessons were being learned.

What could I do other than lurk like a vulture around those who had a bit too much money and freedom?

"Lucy, it's Wolfe. I managed to get into Neo-Umbrella's database and am copying all the files onto a hard drive. What are you up to?"

"Mediating on the mess I've gotten myself into, Wolfe. Glad you made it." I replied, hearing him chuckle in response to my complaint, which eventually made me laugh too.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and some flames burst in from the floor above, making me realize it was time for me to leave this place.

"Wolfe, I'm leaving the lab and heading to the helicopter."

I quickly grabbed the few files that seemed interesting, folded them in four, and stuffed them into the cargo pants pocket before running through the open space, covering the lower part of my face with my sleeve as smoke began to fill the air.

"Lucy, this is bad...! The hallways are all flooded with flames, how are you going to get through?!" Wolfe finally asked as I coughed.

"Wolfe... Can you help me, yes or no?!"

I heard him sigh.

"No... I'm sorry. It seems the building's plan is..."

I stopped running, put my hands on my hips, and slightly teared up as I decided to speak up.

No more tears - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now