Chapter 16

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As I gradually made my way through the city, weaving between the sources of screams and the buildings crumbling from the flames, I finally caught sight of the place I was looking for in the distance.

I sighed as I reloaded my weapon, silently counting my ammunition in the calm after the storm.

I tried not to let my mind be cluttered with intrusive thoughts that could distract me, but despite my efforts, I couldn't help but feel this strange cramp in my chest, which I couldn't define at the moment because it seemed so out of context.

Finally deducing, despite the few spikes of sadness floating around, that it was probably just a side effect of fatigue and exhaustion, I took a deep breath, nervously scratching my neck as I couldn't help but think of Leon, my mind strangely restless at the thought that he might be in danger.

I hope he's okay...

A distant cry pulled me out of my thoughts, and as I heard the tone, the pain, and especially the accompanying sounds, I began to wonder if it was a good idea to approach.

I finally decided to go see, figuring that whether it was a biological weapon or a civilian, it was better to deal with it before more damage was done.

Tracing its position gradually through echoes and gunfire sounds, I found myself in the middle of a body of water, a little lost.

"Well, darn." I sighed as I looked around, convinced that the noise came from the vicinity.

It was a gigantic river flooded with debris, reflecting the glowing lights of the few shops on the banks.

An oddly beautiful scene that would have been even more so if it hadn't been flooded with all that blood, a Bordeaux so easily distinguishable, and that horizon of flames slowly devouring the rubble of what seemed to be a restaurant.

As I lowered my gaze, I spotted a red silhouette darting about twenty meters across the river on a jet ski, which I immediately started pursuing without hesitation.

There's no doubt, it's her!

"Ada!" I shouted as she didn't turn around, heading straight towards the end of the river despite my frantic pursuit.

I grimaced for a second as I stopped, realizing that I needed to find a means of transportation for myself, as my lungs were incapable of sustaining a sprint of several kilometers.

A few moments later, I felt my phone vibrate.

"Meet me in front of the ship." Was written on my screen as I shook my head, quickly catching my breath.

I started frantically surveying the surroundings, and when I finally found the object of my happiness, with, fortunately, the key right next to it, I started the engine, more than happy with my technological find.

As I started the engine, I heard my radio beep.

"Lucy, it's Wolf. Do you copy?" I heard the voice ask as I quickly attached the talkie to my tactical vest to continue my journey.

"I copy, Wolf. Everything okay?" I asked quickly, nervously tapping my fingers on the grips as a strange silence fell.

I sighed, hoping not to receive the usual reprimands.

"I know you're undercover, but I need your attention for five minutes: it's important." My informant finally asked as I remained impassive, starting to see the ship in front of which Ada was supposed to wait for me.

"There's no one around, go ahead."

"I've done the research you asked for, and... it's a gold mine: whether it's oil extraction sites, submarines, presumed locations in the heart of the city, or even a few ships, everything is connected to Simmons; The only hitch is that Carla Radames' name is on the property deeds, not his."

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