Chapter 19

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The helicopter journey was silently long. Between me taking my time to lie down properly at the back and doze off, Leon carefully piloting, and Helena relaying the latest updates, we went from absolute warfare to calm after the storm.

A feeling of emptiness, which we all contributed to with our intense fatigue.

Furthermore, at that moment, I knew it was of no use for me to share my findings, especially since despite the recent moments of camaraderie that moved some, it was undeniable that the trust I had tried to establish was dead and buried.

At least, that was the case until my radio decided to turn on.

"Lucy, it's Wolfe. Still alive?" Wolfe asked clearly through the communications as I let out a long sigh, fearing that the two in front of me could hear me.

But when I realized that my dear colleague's intervention could work well in my favor, I decided to reverse the situation instead.

"Yes Wolfe, I'm still alive and on my way back. How is your research going?" I ended up asking, in a clear and unusually loud tone to catch the attention of the two other people present in the helicopter.

"Well... I looked through the Neo-Umbrella files you sent me and passed them on to my superiors. However, there's a slight hitch..." He replied as I raised an eyebrow, ready to face whatever the fallout of this situation might be.

"Since the president is dead, it's the vice president who's handling the state of emergency, and it turns out he's caught wind of your affair, and..." He formulated as I cut him off, annoyed by his tendency to beat around the bush.

"What, he wants me to give him a little rundown on why Simmons corrupted half of America by shaking his money-filled little behind?"

"In fact, Miss Castle, I would prefer that this conversation occur in a more official setting, but my office will do just fine for the 'little rundown' you're proposing." Another voice replied as I heard Leon chuckle. That's when I understood who my new interlocutor was and froze in place.

"Apologies for the rudeness, sir." I reacted shortly after, still pondering his words.

I was anything but cut out to discuss with politicians, and even wondered, at the moment, why he planned to see me in person.

But perhaps it was just the logical choice of a man who had lost his leader and was trying to take back control, so I ended up accepting being forced.

"I want to see you in my office in 2 days." He eventually imposed as I exchanged a glance with Leon, paralyzed, while our entire silent conversation translated into an equivalent meaning that in 2 days, given my condition, where we were and the time it would take me to go to the hospital, I was good to go there crawling.

"I mean... I'm sorry but I don't think I'm ready to-" I started to try to respond, but he cut me off sharply.

"I don't care for your qualms, Miss Castle. Our president is deceased, and you're supposed to be the only person capable of explaining to the public. Have a safe travel." He eventually replied as I heard the call cut off, eventually dropping my walkie-talkie in shock.

Of course, I wasn't in the mood to mince my words, but Helena was the first to let her thoughts slip. "What a bastard he is!" She ended up grumbling as I nodded vigorously, more than fired up. On the other side, I just heard a sigh escape Leon's lips. I wonder what he's thinking...

"Two days... I don't even live in Washington anymore, I'm good to pay a fortune in hotels..." I ended up complaining, already counting the hundreds of dollars that would go like hotcakes. Moreover, if there was one type of place I hated to frequent, it was hotels. 

"Sorry... I would have offered to host you, but I have to prepare for Deborah's funeral..." Helena replied softly as I dropped it, quickly caught up by reality and guilt.

After all, if I had reacted faster to Simmons' machinations, Helena's sister and the president would have been spared. So I was in no position to complain and should even be content with not being grabbed by the collar. I then wallowed in silence, preferring to contemplate the landscape passing through the porthole rather than engage in any conversation.

Let's just hope everything goes well...


I sighed as I gently collapsed onto the bed in my hotel room, exhausted.

The moment we landed in the United States, Leon, Helena, and I quickly went our separate ways, unable to bear the stifling atmosphere that had taken hold.

It was almost over; the only obstacle awaiting me before I could leave this hell was the vice president.

Turning around, I felt a strange heaviness in my heart as the smell of the sheets brought back bad memories, never having felt safe anywhere since my abduction.

With my heart pounding, I quickly got up and rushed to check that the door was locked. Once, twice, three times. Always locked.

As I heard a noise in the hallway, adrenaline took over my body, reaching a point where I ran to my few belongings to retrieve my service weapon, which was under the pile of clothes I had just bought.



When I realized that the noise was just a nuisance, I sighed and grabbed a chair to block the door. 

"There, that should do it..." I tried to convince myself, not even noticing that my whole body had started to tremble, and a strange urge to vomit began to rise from the depths of my stomach.

I took deep breaths, wondering what was happening to me then.

It was when I heard my phone, which was on the bed, vibrating, that my mind shifted and I went to check the message that had been sent to me, then felt a slight disappointment when I saw its content.

It was a picture from Will, who had captured a poster showing a great discount on the pastel kit from the stationery store that I was still hesitant to buy due to the price.

Although the attention was adorable, at that moment it was anything but what I needed to feel better.

As I jumped into the shower, my phone rang again and again. 

"Ugh..." I complained as I didn't stop the water, feeling entitled to my moment of tranquility.

Moreover, ashes had slipped into the hollows of my ears, so it was anything but possible for me to come out before being sure I was clean everywhere.

After getting out of the shower and drying my hair, I wrapped myself in a towel, returning to the room to retrieve the moisturizer pot I had bought at the pharmacy a few hours earlier.

That's when my phone started ringing again, and I decided to answer once and for all, without even checking who was calling me. "Hello?" I asked, slightly tired.

"It's Leon. Everything okay?" Leon asked as I froze in place momentarily, cursing myself for not having answered earlier.

"Y-yes... Was it you who called me earlier? Sorry, I was in the shower, and..." I started to justify myself as he cut me off.

"Don't apologize. Have you eaten?" I heard him ask as I furrowed my brows when I realized he sounded a bit odd.

Is he drunk, or am I dreaming...?

But I didn't know if I could afford to ask him, so I hesitated for a few more moments before doing so, and ultimately gave up. That wasn't supposed to be any of my business.

"No, not yet... And you?" I formulated carefully as I heard him sigh, which earned me a few extra seconds of questioning.

"I'm in town, do you want to grab something to eat?"

I began to smile gently at his suggestion, wondering how I was going to say no when the stars seemed to be aligning in my favor.

"Well... I would never say no to some pizza if you don't mind..." I eventually suggested, nervously playing with the edge of my bath towel.

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