Chapter- Twenty-Four- *In Distress*

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Shallow breaths take all of me whole, the cold air from my bedroom has fully swept down the hall, down the staircase, into the living room, and back up. Goosebumps over the walls and the tainted windows deliver me the freedom I want at this moment.

Coal-hot bodies surround us as we are launched onto the dance floor, his hands stern on my arms. One foot after the other, I am brought into a circle. We dance to the heart's content, his content to keep me quiet.

Flashing lights, music blaring into our ears, the sweaty mess becoming of this room haunts me each time I try to look for a way out. My hands finally move and I attempt to push him away.

Why can't I move him?

My back feels hotter than cold, one of his hands has moved to trap me further. He pushes me flush against him, my chest meets his chest. Squirming, I try to make a break from him, but he overpowers me.

The music tempo changes and I try to look around for anyone looking at me. My eyes keep roaming until I spot Andrew, he looks at me. Moving my head to see him more clearly, he takes a step toward me.

Yes! Hurry up.

His path is blocked by a dancing Maddie, he takes her hand. They move onto the dance floor and I am replaced somewhere else. He trudges us closer to the window near the front door, my feet lock with his.

I hear a familiar voice bring my attention the the kitchen area, he is standing right there. My mouth opens to yell for him, but a hand is slapped right over my lips.

"Don't make a fucking sound." Like before, my arms are being tugged on and the cool brisk air comes back as we fumble through the crowd of mixed dancers. "You're coming with me."

My body shakes as we come near the stairs, I feel my heels dig into the floorboards. I try to stop myself from falling into him, but my back hits him straight in the chest. He pushes me and I fall onto the stairs.

"Get. Up." My arm is twisted back as he walks over to me, "if you don't get up right now, I will make it that much worse for you."

He tugs me up unwillingily, my legs keep giving under me. My body thumps against the stairs, but no one seems to notice. The music is too loud and the drunken eyes are valued by their partner on the dance floor.

I am screwed.

Almost all of the way up, we take a slight turn to finish the last four steps. I see the door to me and Maddie's room open, my hand grabs a hold of the wall. My vision starts to blur, I can't cry right now.

I can cry later.

My heart races with each step we come closer to my room, I hear him sigh as we come in front of it. The second he pulls me fully off of the ground, I am thrown into the room.

On the floor I hear my body smack down and the ringing in my ears. More of the music blares from downstairs, I can hear it jumbled through the floorboards and the walls around me.

Avery steps into the dark room, the light from the hallway illuminating him. His silhouette makes him seem bigger than he is, the dark hair and the hollow eyes beg me to make this difficult for him.

He would have more fun of course.

I scootch away from him all the to the window. My hands and feet push me up to a standing position and I ball my hands into fists. I don't know what I will do, but I know I have to fight.

"No one is going to come to save you." He stalks towards me, "your boyfriend doesn't even know you're gone."

He laughs, "he's probably off sucking some girl's face."

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