Dieci 'Team of two'

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We ended up playing for quite some time, just passing and taking turns with who scores. I am not going to lie it was pretty fun. 

Our teammates started arriving one by one, most of them went to the locker-room to change or to put their stuff away.

After about 15 minutes our coach had arrived, it was already 18.10 by that time. Let's just say no one took the 'coming on time'-idea serious. Not even out coach.

"That was fun."


"We should do it more often. What do you think about coming earlier so we have more time?"

"Uh. Sure." I said and smiled, that did not seem like such a bad idea.

"Okay, let's start warming up." Everyone grabbed a ball. We already had one, so Matteo went and got another one. 

We just dribbled on our places, changing hands from time to time. Also walking around and eventually running.

"I want you to pair up, one ball for each pair." We did this almost every training, the idea was that the one without a ball would try stealing a ball from the other. 

I normally paired up with Jason, he had coincidentally joined the same day as me, it has already been a few years since I started. But it seemed like he was not here today.

"Want to pair up?"

Matteo asked, I looked around and saw that everyone had already paired up. "Sure."

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