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I look out the car window only to be greeted with the rain droplets, lingering on the window. I sigh as my mom turns her head towards me.

"Baby, I know this is hard, but things are going to get better." she pauses as she strokes my brown wavy hair. "You deserve it."

I slightly nod at her words and put one of my AirPods back into my ears and ignore my mothers attempt at comforting me and my little sister, Ruby playing on her iPad.

- - - - - -

"Rylie! Wake up, we're here!" is the first thing I hear when I wake up from my long nap.

I groan.

It takes only a moment to realize that we're now in New Jersey. And now at our new home. "Oh," I gruff out.

I open my car door and step out into the damp concrete driveway.

"Rylie, grab these boxes." my mom orders me. I give her a quick thumbs up, rub my eyes, tan and stretch and go into the U-Haul attached to my mothers white Mercedes. I grab a box labeled, Rylie Room and a duffle bag which I'm assuming is mine.

I go inside the brand new house and dont even bother to look around. Ruby keeps stealing Moms phone and showing me the pictures.

I enter my room and drop the duffel bag on the floor and place the box down.

Home sweet home.

I sit down on the dark wooden floors and look around. The layout of my room is pretty good. When you enter theses a door that's lead to a walk in closet to the right, and the rest of the room after that is a shaped as a big box. With furniture.

Somehow my mom pre-ordered all of our furniture to get delivered and built. My dresser is across the empty frame. On the left of my bed is my desk.

I walk downstairs and go outside to grab more of my crap. I see my mom talking to a women who seems to be around Moms age. She has blonde hair with a few strands of noticeable white hairs, and brown eyes. Her face with a very little amount of makeup.

Behind the woman I see a man-- well not man, more of a teenager. My age.

He has dark brown hair with very little strands of light brown. His eyes are a light brown as well.

"Ah! Rylie, there you are. Come meet our new neighbors." my mom says to me.

I walk over awkwardly, "Hi, I'm Rylie." I introduce myself.

"Hi, sweetie! I'm Bonnie, and this is my son!" she exclaims, putting her hand out to shake. And of course, I shake it.

"I should--" I point a finger back at the U-Haul.

"Oh, yeah no. Go ahead! I bet you have quite a lot of stuff to unpack!" Bonnie tells me, chuckling. I awkwardly chuckle and walk away to go back to the U-haul.

As I'm grabbing stuff, I everyonce in a while see the teenage boy looking at me. We usually make eye contact for a second but this time, we made eye contact for a very long second. I would say about five, before I jump up onto the U-haul and start hauling out a suitcase. But then as I'm about to jump down I hear a,

"Rylie!" I hear my sister scream. My head snaps up, I jump down and look at my mom. Back at Bonnie and the guy. Then back at mom.

"Go!" she ushers me.

I bolt inside the house. "Ruby! What happened!?" I yell, that's when I find my little sister, back into the corner of a wall, crying because of a goddamn spider.


"Spider!" she wails out. I chuckle and smush it with my foot.

"Jesus, Ruby. Had me worried there for a second." I take her hand and guide her out of her new room.

I lead her back outside. "What happened?" asked my mother.

"A goddamn spider is what." I tell my mom, not realizing that Bonnie and the teenage boy are right behind my mother.

"Hey! Language!" Ruby tells me, I slightly chuckle, putting my hands up in surrender, and walking away to grab the box I was originally going to grab.

I grab the box and enter the house once more.

I keep coming in and out and in and out of the house grabbing all types of stuff. Duffles, suitcases, boxes. All while Bonnie and the teenager are still talking to my mom. Every once in a while I'll make eye contact with the boy but then almost immediately break it.

I slam the U-haul door shut and start walking from behind it.

After what feels like years we're now done getting all the boxes out of the U-Haul. Well-- I did most of the work getting everything out.

"Everything's all out?" my mother asks me. She just finished talking to our new neighbors and they're now walking back inside theyre house.

"Yeah, I did all the work because Ruby was organizing her room."

"Okay, thank you, when do you think you'll be ready to go back to school?" she softly asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. She knows it's little bit of a tough subject to pry on. But shes my mother. I put her through hell and back because of what happened. Hell, I'm the reason we moved.

"Uhm- I'm not sure. Maybe, next week?" I answer. Nobody really knows why I changed schools. Or why I moved almost half way across the U.S. I told my friends I was leaving and that was that. I never told them why. Or where. Just that I was.

It's been a few hours since me and my mom talked about when I should go back to school. We agreed I go back next week so I can have time to prepare.

I'm currently hanging up my clothes and listening to music. I walk out of my closet to grab more of my shoes from the box in the middle of my room. I then look outside the window and see the same boy from outside. He's wearing black sweatpants and no shirt. He looks mad almost.

A man then walks inside. Looks to be his father. He has the same brown hair as the boy. I can't see much of his face because he isn't facing the window. I can only see the side of his face. It looks like they're yelling at each other.

Before I can stop looking myself, the boy makes eye contact with me. I see him tense up for a second. Then, he storms up to his window and shuts his curtains.

I snap my eyes away from the window and brush off the situation. Just a father and son arguing. Nothing to bad should be happening.


A/N: Kk guys so if ur a reader that's been w me since the other book u guys already know what's happening buttt im js clearing up now there will be some editing changes and what not sooo YAA

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