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A/N: Guys im genuinely running out of TikTok ideas without spoiling the whole book which I feel like I've already done LOLL but my tiktoks is what brings attention to my book so I just need to thug it out 😣


I heard Rylie and her moms fight on Saturday. She really is trying to stay sober and I know it. I can see the way she acts whenever she's withdrawing.

"Aaron." Brandon's voice echos in my mind. "Aaron, bro." he pushes my shoulder, knocking me out of my trans.

"What," I snarl as I continue my way to my motorcycle, I look down at my hands as I put on my gloves.

"Y'know Zach and I didn't mean the shit we were saying, right?" he clarifies, I can hear the nervousness in his tone of voice.

"Look man," I turn around and face him. "I don't really give a shit what you say. But when it comes to certain people, especially women, you need to fucking respect them." I pause as I take a step closer. "So fucking respect her."

I turn around once more as my feet patter against the dirt road. I take quite a number of steps before I hear Brandon chase after me.


"No, but like we were just joking bro." he says, still sounding like he's about to shit himself.

I stop walking, again, and turn around to face him, again. "I know, it's fine." I wave it off.

I see a face of relief wash over his face. "Really?"

I swiftly smile back, "No." and swing a fast punch at his face. He falls to the ground and groans in pain.

"What the fuck?!" he shouts as he grabs his check bone. "I thought we were chill!"

I chuckle as I bend down to the ground. "We aren't. I lost all the remaining respect for you when I heard what you said about my girls."

"Fuck you," he spits at me.

I shake my head and chuckle at him. "I've got better things to do than deal with your ass." I stand up and make my way back to my motorcycle, putting on my helmet.

That's when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's the group chat.

yoo party at mine 2night!! u better come or else..

Another one?

shit i'll try to make it i gotta take care of some stuff

I'll be there if i can my mom up my ass rn if not i'll just sneak out

i'll be there

csnt go im grounded bcuz of the rooftop situation

Dylan's brother throws party every single day, i guess he's trying to be the next big party man or whatever.

"AARON," I hear a voice call to me. I turn around, Zach.

"The fuck do you want?" I spit at him as I take off my helmet, damn can't a guy just ride his bike in peace?

"You told Kasey what I said?" he says it like it's a statement. "You fucking-" as he reaches me he swings a punch at me.

I dodge and push him back, "Fuck you, asshole. I didn't tell anyone shit."

He shakes his head. "Oh, so she just magically became psychic and knows EXACTLY what happened?" he shouts at me, a vein showing up in his neck.

I smile and shrug, "I guess so." I put on my gloves, "When did she find out?"

"I dont fucking know, she just text me a whole paragraph saying all this shit." he throws his hands in the air in a frustrated manner.

"Well shit man," I scoff, "You do deserve the fuck out if it. But hey, I didn't say anything."

He shakes his head and looks down at the dirt, trying to compose his anger. "Fuck you, I know you did. And if I find out, I will put ur ass into the ground." he spits at me. Zach then turns around and walks away from me to Brandon.

Well shit.

He's got problems.

I put my helmet on and continue my way to my motorcycle once more, without getting interrupted.


"So how are you liking life here." Zach asks me. We're at a park watching the sunset laying down on a blanket. He grabs ahold of my hand and starts to trace the lines on my hand. And for no particular reason, I feel uncomfortable when he does that.

I smile, "Uhm, it's nice. I'm making a good group of friends." Once I say that he freezes for a second. As if he's shocked I'm saying that Grayson, Dylan and Aaron are a good group of friends.

"What about Kasey?" he asks as he looks away from the sunset, he squeezes my hand a bit.

I look at him. Why is he asking all this? "She's great, we hang out almost every day and we tell each other everything." I pause and smile at the memories we have together. "She's like my sister."

"You tell each other everything?" He chuckles as a panicked expression flashes through his face. "I-I mean not everything, right?"

I shake my head and giggle, "Yes, Zach. Everything." I look back at the sunset and sigh. I'm so unbelievably happy that I found Kasey. She is there for me so much and I truly love her so much.

"Hey so, how about we go back to my place?" He grabs ahold of my other hand, "Just to hang out, my parents are home and want to meet you."

My eyes almost pop out of my head. "What?" I say, appalled by what he just said.

He smiles, "Do you want to come over to meet my parents?" he says slowly this time.

"Uh-I sure." is all that comes out of my mouth.

"Cool, let's go now yeah?" he pauses and smiles at me, "I've already let them know we're on the way."

I nervously chuckle, "Uh, ye-yeah let's go." is all that comes out.

Am i ready to take this big step? I've haven't known him for that long, am I ready to meet his parents when we aren't even dating?

Are we moving to fast? I ask myself once more.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

⚠️A/N: hii guys sos sorry i ghosted u guys buttt these past few months have been stressful bcuz of state testing sosooosooo I will be MAYBBE be posting another chapter after this one but until school ends for me (May 30th) chapters will be VERY slow until then lmao im sooo sorry! I love u guys PLEASSSE forgive me!

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