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Hey guys im so sorry ive been so inactive I started a new school and have been really busy with school work and stuff but im trying to be more active!!


As I enter school, I go straight to my locker, I put in my code and opened it. I throw my backpack in and slam it shut.

"Aaron Parker." Dylan tells me sternly. I laugh, what the hell does he want?

"What." I start to walk away.

"Dude, what the hell did you say to Rylie?" He asks, catching up with me. I start walking faster to lose him, but he keeps catching up.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because I just tried to talk to her and she totally blew me off."

I smiles at him. She listened.

He grabs my shoulder and pulls me back.

"Yo, what the fuck!?"

"You told her something so she wouldn't talk to me." He says, "What did you say? What did you tell her?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Why does it matter?"

"Jesus Christ!" Dylan screams. He grabs my arm and starts walking towards the exit.

"Give me your keys."

"My what?"

"Car keys now."

I pull my wrist out of his uncomfortable grip and take my car keys out of the black pocket of my hoodie.

"Grayson!" Dylan greets Grayson.

"What's happening?" He asks as he runs up to us. Dylan starts walking again, grabbing my wrist while Grayson is following close behind.

"Down to skip?" Dylan asks Grayson as he looks at us.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Great." I muttering under my breath.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dylan ends up driving to the beach. The boys and I hang out here sometimes, usually when we skip. Which is a lot.

There is a cafe that is next to the beach. We entered the cafe and start on our way to the booth we normally sit at every time we come here.

"Sit down." Dylan orders us. I scoff, but do what he says.

I slide into the booth and Grayson does the same. Dylan slides over to the other side and stares at us both for a second.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He tells us.

"What-" Grayson begins.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm talking right now," he tells us. I almost laughed, what's with him being so big and powerful now?

"You guys don't have the right to dictate who I can be friends with. I know you're trying to protect me after everything that happened last year, but please."

I Sigh. "Can I speak now?"

"Not yet," Dylan says, "if she was blackmailed or threatened, call it off. I want to make new friends, and you are my brothers, let me have a girl friend."

"Now can we..." I trail off as Dylan gives me an annoyed look.

"Shut up, Aaron. And when you call off what you did or said to her, she's going to eat with us at lunch," he continues and looks at Grayson, "also Kasey."

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